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*Jimin's POV*

All I was thinking about last night was that email, why was Taehyung emailing the police?. I didn't get a lot of sleep so I woke up so grumpy. I looked over to my side and saw Jungkook half asleep staring at me. I stroked his cheek and kissed his forehead, he blushed and turned to face the wall. I looked over at Taehyung who was asleep, kissing his forehead I got up and went downstairs. I made breakfast and looked over my phone and I saw a text from Jin Hyung.

Eomma Jin :)     

hello Chim how are you? I'm great how are you?

Eomma Jin :)

I'm doing great, Namjoon and I would like to visit is that okay?

Yeah of course that's great, my house is your house

Eomma Jin :)

okay that's great we will see you in a few hours :)

Yeah great see you soon :)

*end of Jimin's POV*

Jimin smiled and the text and put his phone away, continuing eating his breakfast. The two boys had just awoken and were standing at the bottom of the staircase. Jimin looked up emotionless "come eat" the boys looked down and walked to the table and sat down. Both boys stared at the older nervously. Jimin looked up "what?" both boys shook their heads and looked down. Jimin got up and put his plate in the sink and sat on the couch. Namjoon and Jin were here they knocked on the door and Jimin opened it for them "hi, how are you guys?" he said nonchalantly and sat back down on the couch. "Jimin we need to talk to you"...

Jimin looked at them eyebrow raised "boys come sit here" the two youngest came and sat next to Jimin. Jin cleared his throat and lightly tapped Namjoons knee, he got the signal and looked at Jimin. "Jimin somebody killed your parents" Jimin glared at Namjoon and Namjoon got scared. "Who. Killed. My. Parents.?" Jimin said his voice was quiet but sharp. Namjin gulped and looked down "T-Taehyung's dad" Jimin gritted his teeth and stood up.

"IF ANY OF YOU FUCKING FOLLOW ME ILL SHOOT YOU" Taehyung was wide eyed and so were the rest nobody had heard Jimin scream like that. Jimin came out with a gun and his face screamed furious. Jung kook   walked up to him and grabbed his arm "d-daddy you'll go to j-jail" He held onto him tighter Jimin pushed him off and Jung kook went back and hit his head on the table.

Jimin heard a thump and turned around and dropped the gun, Jung kook was bleeding. The boys ran to Jungkook but Jimin beat them to it. "Baby open your eyes", "baby?, baby" Jimin looked at Jin "please call the ambulance" Jin nodded and called 911.

The paramedics came and helped Him regain consciousness. When they left Jimin held him and took him to his bed. He looked at Jin his face covered in tears "when's the funeral?" Jin hugged Jimin "next week" Jimin nodded and thanked him.  Jungkook woke up and the only person next to him was Jimin, Jungkooks lip quivered and he looked down.

Jimin came closer and Jungkook flinched. "baby I'm not going to hurt you" Jungkook nodded and hugged Jimin. Jimin cupped his face and kissed his lips "baby I'm so sorry I'm really sorry" he kept saying as he kissed Jungkooks lips. He heard a knock from downstairs and he went to see who it was and it was the police......

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