Chapter 1

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Ada landed on the control panel, tilted to the side as if it were a makeshift platform. She looked down, noticing various buttons belonging to a keyboard. She proceeded to click some buttons, hoping in the back of her mind she was activating the escape submarine that would get her out of this mess.

A ring interrupted her occupied mind, forcing her to reach into her pocket and pull out the awkward feeling cube phone, flipping the screen to be greeted with a man's face, one who seemed to be smirking at her. "Find anything interesting?" He began to question.

"A recording from six months ago." she responded, tilting her head a bit while her fingers still worked the keyboard. "Then the trip was worthwhile." Simmons responded, receiving a slight glance from Ada. The structure began to shake and creak, followed by an explosion of water from a nearby pipe, alerting Ada that she had to quickly activate the escape sub before it was too late. "What's the matter? You still haven't figured it out?" Simmons continued talking while Ada put the phone down, quickly finishing up the keyboard controls as best as she could.

"Allow me to clarify: Tomorrow, the U.S will suffer a bioterrorist attack. After that, China." Another pipe of water bursted closer to Ada's spot, spraying Ada with a light mist of sea water as she worked. "And then major cities all around the world will suffer the same fate, at the hands of Neo-Umbrella's very own Ada Wong."

She looked over at the phone a final time, finding the man smiling in what appeared to be his conclusion of his speech. She reached over and clicked the final button, activating the door to open near her left side. She grabbed the phone and flipped it, it's upper half sliding back into place, immediately cutting off the call. "If you think I'm going to sit back and be your scapegoat, Simmons, you've got another thing coming."

She slipped the phone into her back pocket again, entering the small tube as the door slowly closed, immediately sealing up before heading upwards, shooting out the torpedo like capsule as fast as it could, away from the final blast that destroyed the submarine.
To think I allowed her to get help from him. She can blame me all she wants, but she isn't one to be fooled.

The late evening was rather warm and comforting, a light breeze hitting your face once you left the store, carrying a shopping bag with you. Rays of sun from earlier in the day glared hard down on everyone's faces, but luckily you had your sunglasses on, leaving a part of your face hidden as you walked the sidewalk. Busy looking people crossed the sidewalks and streets, cars driving by while people finished their shopping and headed home. You continued walking, heading towards the next store that was on your mind.

The gun shop.

Since you abandoned your only handgun you managed to own all those years ago, you had to purchase a new one. Perhaps a shotgun as well would be nice. Probably not, I need a concealed weapon if I'm going to that meeting tonight. Still, I could spare a couple extra bucks for a nice rifle.

After many days of strange yet rather interesting calls with Simmons, you were able to schedule a meeting with him inside a well known hotel a few towns over, containing a nice restaurant inside where you two can meet. Why he brought up a hotel was rather suspicious, but you hoped it wasn't a set up... or something else. Inside your bag was a nice black form fitting dress you picked out, hoping it was formal enough to encounter Simmons and speak business, and only business. You were sure it was better than your current outfit: brown boots with army green jeans and a grey spaghetti strap tank top.

Your hand pushed open the entrance door to the gun shop, finding a man behind a counter speaking with a customer. The shopkeeper it seemed was holding a shotgun in his hands, showing the quality and build structure of the weapon with his two hands. The customer seemed to be of an Asian heritage, nodding in response to the man and asking questions with what little English he could speak for the moment.

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