Chapter 36

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"Of course I'm alive," you walked closer, your eyes connected with his as you stopped beside Helena's limp feet. "I'm not going to die that easily, in case you haven't noticed."

You brought your gaze towards Helena, her unconscious state looking rather alarming in Leon's arms, looking as if she was dead and Leon was in the middle of attempting to wake her up. You knelt in front of her, your hand lowering your assault rifle to the ground to bring your hand towards Helena's neck, two fingers feeling your pulse on her sweaty skin. It's normal, that's good news. "Is she injured?"

"I don't think so," Leon looked over at Helena's face, her head tilted back against his shoulder. "But when the explosion happened I'm afraid she got the worst of it."
You looked down her chest and arms, searching for any signs of blood or foreign objects inside her that could've happened from the impact of the explosion. Lifting her other arm over, your fingertips came into contact with a slightly dense liquid, causing you to bring her arm up to your eye level, revealing the deep gash on her forearm, surrounded by a heavy scrape of injured and bleeding skin.
"Shit," you lowered her arm, looking over at Leon, "It looks deep, I need to look at it properly before it gets an infection, but we can't stay here."

Leon agreed silently, slowly bringing her arm around his shoulders. Hooking one arm around her side, he slowly pulled her up into a stand, keeping her upright while hearing her faint whimpers of pain, her legs slightly wobbling underneath her. Grabbing your gun as you stood, you slowly past the two while looking ahead at the path, scouting the area.
"I'll lead," you offered, turning your head to see Leon helping Helena to walk as she slowly regained consiousnsss. "Hopefully we can find something up ahead for that wound."

"No," she gasped out, her head slightly lifting upwards as she spoke in protest, causing both you and Leon to stop in your steps. "Please," she whispered out, looking over towards Leon slightly as her head bobbed a bit in a mixture of exhaustion and pain. "Just.. leave me."

"Don't be silly," you slowly walked closer, having Helena's head turn slowly to look over at you. "No one's leaving anyone."

"Yeah. Not this time." You looked up at Leon, seeing his eyes slightly narrow at your direction, letting you know how terribly ironic it was for you to say that.

"Right," you looked back at Helena, seeing her eyes slightly droop, "not this time." You confirmed, receiving a faint nod from the barely conscious woman.

Turning around again, you began to take the lead again, walking up ahead while being mindful of their footsteps a bit behind you. It was strange, your mind telling you to keep a fair distance from the two as much as possible, all while your thoughts made you question why you even thought of doing such actions in the first place. Being back with Leon again after all those events that happened, after finally finding the information that you were desperate to find for many years now securely in your possession, you were left with the heavy realization that you were a terrible person to Leon. How selfish you were just for a few missing files, all in exchange for a man who showed you emotions you've never experienced. For all you know, he may not want what you've both had in the past, but the night before completely told you otherwise. Your cheeks couldn't help but form a faint blush, your heartbeat in your ears as your footsteps matched each step with each beat perfectly.

Still, once we're out of China and this is all over, I may need to start getting used to being on my own again. That is, if Leon even feels the same still. But what would happen after all of this?

You walked up slowly on a large wooden crate, your mind beginning to wonder of other people in your life. Sherry was at the top of your list, your mind still amazed at the beautiful woman she turned into. You sort of expected her to do something different with her life once she came of that age, seeing the endless amounts of potential in her brilliant mind, but you never expected her to become an agent. She never said that before when she was younger and you were still around, but perhaps that was her secret she kept from you and possibly Leon too, to be an agent just like you and him, and follow in her savior's footsteps to do something good in this twisted world.

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