Chapter 20

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"Ada? Hey um.. hey." You didn't know what to say to her on this strange cube phone.

"Listen, do you happen to be meeting Simmons at this very moment?" She asked, her voice sounding a bit.. questioning. You didn't know how to explain it.

"Um, Not exactly." You sat back in your seat, staring out the tinted window while the limousine continued driving. "Simmons couldn't meet me so he sent me to a hotel to sleep in."

"Huh, didn't think he'd care that much."

"Me either.. Ada," you hesitated in your words a bit, "He proposed to me."

"...Did he now?" Was all you heard, leaving you on edge.

"Yeah, and I don't know why. He brought up all this stuff about how 'infatuated' he was with me. Not to mention how our future children could end up becoming... crazy intelligent immune heirs. I don't know." You sighed, shaking your head a bit. "What have you gotten me into Ada?"

A slight laugh came from her end, making you huff a bit while staring at the cube phone, the blue glow turning your hand white.

"Yeah, what did I get you into? Simmons is a cheating fraud is what he is."

Your body stiffened, your eyebrows furrowed deep in question. "What?"
"Do I need to repeat myself (Y/N)? Simmons is lying to you, he is a monster; using you for his own personal pleasure, and plays it off like it's a holy destiny. Who knows what he's planning to do with you, but it sure isn't walking down the aisle."

"Wha-and why tell me this now??" You argued, leaning forward a bit in your seat. "You're the one who referred me to him to get answers!"

Once again, she went quiet, leaving you fuming in your spot. Knowing what Ada was saying could be true, put you in a delicate sticky web where one absolutely wrong move, which could be any move, could have you dead.
"(Y/N), listen to me. Once you get to that hotel, I need you to disobey Simmons's orders and head towards the closest market place in the late evening. I'll be waiting there for you."

The limousine began to pull up towards a large building, to what you assumed was the promised hotel. "This place was said to be guarded."

"Could be, but you're a big girl. You can fight the big scary men outside your door, can't you?" She put on a playful rather sarcastic tone, leaving you rather uneasy to hear.

"Wait," you spoke fast, seeing someone approach your door. "Since when did you get to China?"

"I'll keep in touch."

Your eyes opened slowly, being met with grey silk sheets of your once tidy bed. Letting out a small groan, you lifted your head slowly, blurry eyes looking at your surroundings.

Once you had arrived in the room, you had gotten too tired to even care about your surroundings, your body knocking out once your head came in contact with the fluffy pillows. Now that you slowly continued to wake up, you noted the cream colored walls and warm glow from the bedside laps you neglected to turn off. Slowly sitting up, you raised your arms up in a heavy stretch, grunting in satisfaction as a few bones popped along your back and upper arms.

Slipping out of bed, you spotted a few piles of folded clothes on the couch that you didn't spot when you first went into the room. Then again, you were too tired to notice.
You took a shower first, the bathroom surprisingly large and clean with bright white tiles and dark wood flooring. The hot water woke you up and made you feel more alert as you washed, feeling clean and elevated.

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