Chapter 38

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A faint couple of beeps were heard as soon as Ada's thumb made contact with the fingerprint scanner on the case, a little unsuccessful failsafe, Ada thought in the back of her mind as she opened the case, wondering if her clone was ever aware that the real Ada would open up the briefcase herself.

The first objects Ada noticed were the two small recorders laying on top of an olive green file, both devices unlabeled yet appearing functional. Not caring which one she played first, she clicked the small button on one of the devices, slightly surprised to hear Simmons' angered voice playing back to her.

"No! No! That's not good enough! That's not Ada Wong!"

Ada grew perplexed, turning her head slightly in disbelief, unsure what exactly she was hearing.

"Why won't it work!?"

Setting the recorder aside next to the second one, she immediatly grabbed the first green file, opening it immediatly while the recorder continued to scream in the silent office. While she was greeted with various visual graphs and paragraphs explaining the chemical compounds and structures, she grew more and more disturbed with Simmons' outrage towards whoever he was speaking with.

"Combine the DNA sequence with the cocoon's bio-structure." She began to imagine him standing in front of a team of scientists, each one clutching their clipboards and hastily writing notes based on his demands, each individual unsure with what else he was to ask of them.

Ada's gaze ran along the first photo that captured her eyes once she had opened the second file, a small photo of Simmons himself, staring right back at her while a long haired blonde woman posed behind him, her hand gently clamped over his shoulder as she gave off a rather strange smile, staring back at her.

"Use Carla for the next pass. She's a close match." Those words alone created another puzzle piece that Ada clipped with her quickly building scenario, her eyes immediatly grazing a particular sheet of paper that held the woman's, now known as Carla, information and genetic backround history.

"Be careful what you say around her. I don't want her catching on."

How could he, Ada said to herself, as she realized that Carla was used by Simmons, fooled even, to undergo this strange experiment that Simmons conducted, just to create a 'perfect' clone that would love and cherish him, something that Ada didn't do.

"Happy Birthday, Ada Wong."

The recorder finished with a faint click, leaving Ada in total silence as she continued to stare at Carla's face, a poor innocent woman, who either was tricked into becoming his next plaything for his selfish desires, or voluntarily chose to do the experiment unaware of the true intentions, because Carla may have harbored feelings for Simmons, and perhaps was willing to do anything for him.

"Now I get it," Ada spoke, shaking her head slightly as she closed the file, tossing it aside on the desk, "You little fool."

Her attention went towards the second recorder, wondering what other news this little device may have harbored that made Carla want to carry it around. Ada then noticed one more file just underneath a strange little gold figure, which appeared to be some sort of paperweight. Moving it aside with her fingers, she picked up the navy blue file, immediatly noticing that their was a significant weight difference than the olive ones detailing Simmon's experiments.

Ada pushed the briefcase aside, setting the slightly thick file on the desk. She turned the page, immediatly catching off guard at the sight of a photo she wasn't expecting to see. It was an photo of you staring back at her, a child version of you in fact, slightly messy hair framing your face, eyes sunken in from lack of sleep, a bruised cheek, a busted bloody lip. What surprised Ada about the photo the most was your gaze towards the camera: Your lips turned down in a frown, your eyes giving off a dark, almost dangerous glare she's never seen on you before, despite you being a child in that photo, your face gave off the emotion a child shouldn't experience. You were furious, angry at the world that gave you nothing at that age, and from what Ada knew, you really wanted to change that.

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