Chapter 45

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You slid on the ground before coming to a stop completely, hissing as you looked over your shoulder to view your stopping position, which was luckily barely inches away from the edge of the bridge. You looked back towards Leon fast, growing alarmed when you noticed he wasn't anywhere to be seen, worried that he might've fallen off of the edge.

"Leon!" You cried out, desperately terrified to discover if he had fallen off the edge.

Simmons, the main culprit to knocking Leon off the edge, once again morphed back into his human form, his body changing rapidly in a way that made you cringe, watching the heavy splatters of blood on the ground following the drastic change. You watched as his entire being moved in strange awkward motions, his attention focused on the man he threw over, to which luckily was hanging onto the edge as you could see from the faint view of fingers.

Simmons began to drag himself over to the edge, ignoring you completely as he stared down at Leon. He seemed to smirk at the sight of one of his enemies so close to death, it would be so easy to just end him right then and there, allowing Leon to fall down to his death.

He stepped on Leon's right hand, pressing down as hard as he could forcing Leon to grit his teeth, grunting from the pain of the jagged rubber of Simmon's shoe against his fingers.

"Do you want to live?" Simmons taunted, immediatly kicking away one of Leon's hands, forcing the man to struggle to hold himself up with the other. The sight alone made Simmons chuckle, watching as Leon attempted to grab onto the edge again, only to kick his hand more harshly, making Leon's fingers scraped and bruised from the contact.

"Then beg! Beg for your life!"

"I'll pass!" Leon insisted, attempting to keep holding on for his own sake, although he was unable how to get himself up, let alone deal with Simmons controlling his life.

During this time, you stood up on your own two feet, your breathing growing heavy and shaky as you pulsed with pure rage. Your right fingers came into contact with the large metal arrow that was still securely in your knife sheath, recalling you to your idea that occurred in your head earlier. You looked over to your far left, spotting Ada standing towards the far edge of the broken bridge, witnessing Simmons and his cruel act towards Leon. Her gaze met yours, giving you the knowledge that she was fully aware.

You spotted her grapple gun in her hand, you nodded once, seeing her repeat the same action.

Slipping the arrow tightly into your right hand, you bursted off running towards Simmons, unaware that he was seconds away from crushing Leon's fingers, forcing him to fall.

Your left hand came into contact with Simmons shoulder, the tip of your fingers digging into the exposed red muscle beneath the rough, hard patches of burned skin. "Sorry Derek, but it was never going to work between us!" you spoke loudly enough for him to hear, your right hand flipping the metal arrow like a pencil before proceeding to stab it as hard as you could into his abdomen, feeling the satisfying puncture of piercing deep into his side, right in between the hard plates of skin.

His back arched against you as you pulled on his shoulder, forcing him as close to you as possible. With a loud hiss of pain, he turned his head towards you, his mouth open in horror at your actions. "No!" He yelled out, his arms outwards in an awkward manner as he was put into a state of shock, "No!"

You didn't look down, ignoring the small chance that you could fall to your death, but you had no other choice, you needed to save Leon. You leaned to your left as hard as you could, digging the arrow in deeper to catch Simmons off guard, forcing him to lose his footing.
The both of you fell off the edge, your mind too occupied to acknowledge Leon shouting your name, his wounded hand outstretched towards you. It felt like you were free falling, which you felt like you would've enjoyed if not for the screaming man you held in your arms.

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