Chapter 5

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You and Leon both placed the individual statues onto dark indigo colored pedestals on the upper part balconies which oversaw the entire church, giving you a perfect view of the altar once it began to open. Even the people down below caught onto the situation, watching as the loud stone scrapping noise echoed the area, followed by constant racks and roars of thunder from the outside.

The statue with its two pillars began to rise entirely, the thick rectangular alter stone splitting apart, revealing a large entryway with a dark path down below. You noticed Leon and Helena stepping forward in anticipation, even some people rose from their seats to approach the open passage.

Then, you heard it.

It began as mere echoes, croaky and broken with a female tone, sounding out of breath and constantly gasping. It grew louder as whatever was making that sound drew closer, quickly echoing off into the entire large area of the church. You watched a curious man walk up the steps, getting dangerously close towards the entrance, spotting a moving shadow walking up the steps towards him.

Once the creature came into view, everyone had a moment of holding in their breathe, even you. The creature was large, in height and weight. It stood around six feet tall, and appeared at least two or three hundred pounds, appearing extra bulbous around its stomach and waist. The exposed skin was littered with various masses, resembling a patch of sickly skin colored grapes, each with its own individually large hole gaping open. It's hands appeared extended and long with claws, while its two legs looked bent and deformed under all the weight.
The face was what was most disturbing from the creature, despite the holes litering it's body. It held no eyes and no nose, only showing a large gaping mouth, exposing rows of dangerously sharp teeth, creating odd clicking noises once it came into view.

"What is that thing?" Helena couldn't help but ask, in awe and shock at the strange beast.

"You're asking me??" Leon replied, unsure what the creature even was.

It let out a painfully ear splitting screech, it's entire body shaking back and forth as it tried in fury. The man who got too close let out a terrified yell, quickly lifting his handgun to shoot at the beast. Once the bullet penetrated it's sickly shining skin, the nearest bulbous area bursted out a large puff of indigo colored gas, spraying right into the man's face. He dropped his gun, roaring in agony as his hands covered his face, feeling as if he dunked his head into a bucket of battery acid.

The rest of the people screamed in horror, getting up from their resting places and knocking into other people as they ran, heading towards the door only to realize they couldn't just run out of there. They were trapped with the beast.

You watched with slight anticipation as the same man rolled down the small steps, landing on his knees as his palms were pressed tightly on his face, his cries for pain quickly ceasing after a few seconds. A nearby woman who didn't run had went towards the man, kneeling down while grabbing onto his shoulders, helping him up off the ground.
She said something you couldn't hear from your position, seeing how she put her hands on his shoulders to steady him while his hands moved away from his face, revealing an entire face full of blood and quickly mutilated skin, whatever the spray was had done quick work and destroying the tissues rapidly. His eyes were blanked out white, his irises replaced by white eyes full of blood, the gas eating away his eyelids and lips, revealing his teeth entirely.
The woman couldn't get away in time, for a second you wished you were down there, you would've saved the woman an untimely death. Instead, your heart sank as you watched the man launch towards the woman, who let out a terrifying cry as the man tackled her to the ground, teeth tearing away at the nape of her neck.

"I'm guessing that's what unleashed this hell." Leon spoke, quickly making you look for a way down. "We have to kill that thing! Now!" Without another word, you immediately found yourself jumping onto the incredibly large chandelier, your hand holding onto the chain as it began to swing under your weight, causing you to use that to your advantage.
Quickly swinging forward, you jumped off and landed on the ground in a small roll, standing up fully as a man ran past you, knocking into your shoulder.

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