Chapter 18

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You were awakened in the dead of the night, your body engulfed in a comforting warmth you hadn't felt in ages. Your eyes struggled to keep themselves open, the darkness slowly growing accustomed to your vision.

Taking a moment to rub your eyes fully, you raised your head a bit, slowly eyeing the familiarity of your surroundings. The faint sound of breathing had you look to your right, Leon's chest slowly rising and falling as he slept rather peacefully, looking as if nothing could wake him up. Sitting up as slowly as you could, you leaned over his head, staring down as his calm complexion. You wondered what he was dreaming of, how content he must've felt knowing you weren't dead, or relieved at least.

Your fingers faintly brushed whiskers of his bangs away from his face, fingertips planting fingerlight touches on his faint scar. Your eyes traveled downwards towards his shoulder, spotting the odd looking misshapen circle of a bulletwound scar, slightly pivoted and pale colored in contrast to his natural skin tone due to the scar tissue.

A bittersweet smile formed on your lips once you looked back at his face, realizing he was just like you in an odd way. A person with heavy scars trying to fight for the right side, only you didn't know which side you were fighting for this point. It was getting more difficult as the hours passed by.

Your eyes had unexpectedly flooded with hot tears, remembering why you came here in the first place, what your job was to do before all this chaos broke loose. As you told Leon before, you weren't done in your search to figure out your purpose, not only just from your blood, but what you were to be in this world, to paint a better picture.

Blinking your eyes fast, you lowered your head to his, softly planting a kiss on Leon's cheek, making a deep ache develop at the bottom of your heart. Turning away, you managed to slip out from under the warm covers, your feet touching the carpet floor. As soon as you stood up, you were hit with a sharp cramp in your lower abdomen, causing you to grunt out a hiss and double over a little, leaning against the bed to prevent from falling over.

"Damnit," you whispered, looking up towards Leon in fear that he would wake up. Thankfully he didn't.

Being mindful of your next steps, you proceeded to grab your clothes from the ground, bundling them up in one arm while find Leon's jacket, pulling his phone out from the pocket. You headed towards the bathroom, turning on the light while leaving the door slightly open to prevent noise from the lock, planning your thoughts in your mind the whole time.

With quick haste, you opened Leon's phone and pulled up a blank base where you suspected you could type in, hoping to type out a letter of goodbye as you made your final desision.

By the time you're reading this, I'd be long gone from this place by morning.

You proceeded to clean yourself up and redress, stopping every few seconds to take a breather. The throbbing cramps you felt at this point highly annoyed you. Once again, it didn't hurt as bad as being stabbed, but it was something you knew you would feel for at least a day or two.

As many times as I wish to apologize to you for everything I've done, what I'm about to do will perhaps be something I can't apologize for.

You slowly turned on the sink to wet your hands, running your fingers through your hair in attempts to fix it. Your clothes were still slightly dark and dirty from the mud and blood, but using the excuse that you came from a city that was bombed, you were sure you'd be okay.

I wasn't completely honest with you on why I was here. I was supposed to meet someone here who offered to help me identify what was in my blood, someone.. who said he would help me discover my Umbrella files, and perhaps run more advanced tests.

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