Chapter 26

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"I'm here now, happy?"

She stood leaning against the rails to the steps of a large building, spotting you once you had entered through the doors. She was dressed in a very low cut indigo blue long sleeve dress, slightly covered by an incredibly long, bright cherry red scarf wrapped around her neck. Isn't it too hot for a scarf like that?

"You could say that," she stood up from the rails, heading down the steps towards you slowly, her heel boots clinking against the metal. "Good to see you, it's been a while."

You shrugged a little, "If a while was only last night, then yeah. Good to see you too."

She smirked a little with a bit of a huff, putting a hand on her hip as she eyed you up and down, almost looking like she was marveling in your appearance right in front of her.
You on the other hand, began to feel slightly awkward in the silence, slightly shifting your weight to the other leg. "So," you began, "where to now?"

"Now?" She repeated, removing her hand from her hip. "Well, you did come here for your info, which I know where to get. But first," she turned around and headed back towards the set of stairs, waving her hand as a gesture to follow, "I have some business to take care of, if you don't mind being my little tagalong."
You followed right behind her, placing your hand on the metal rails as you proceeded to follow her up the stairs, wondering what sort of 'business' she had. "What kind of business?"

"Some that has become quite a nuisance since I got here. You'll see once we head inside."
She stopped midstep up the top of the stairs, holding her hand against the nob of the door. "One other thing," she turned her head to look at you. "You by chance have that grapple gun of yours?"

You nodded.

"Good. Just asking." She turned her head back to the door, turning the knob. "I suggest you keep that very handy."

She opened the door, walking in first while you followed right behind her. You were greeted with a dimly lit room, making you slightly narrow your eyes as Ada led the way in front of you. It was full of old technical equipment, looking rundown and unused for quite some time. The air was slightly musty and held an odd odor, like a mix of dirt and.. rubbing alcohol. You couldn't quite put your finger on it, but the smell was enough for your nose to tickle slightly.

Due to the sounds of your boots and Ada's heels, you failed to notice the door which you had entered from open, a faint breeze tickling your neck once  Ada opened the door in front of her, leading to the bigger inside of the warehouse.

"Ada!" A familiar voice startled you from behind, your head turning once Ada looked behind you, spotting Leon and Helena just a few feet away from you.

"Leon-?!" you began, jumping once you heard loud gunfire richochet off the metal door. You turned to spot Ada kneeling down to avoid the gunfire, her left hand grabbing towards her grapple gun from her side. She aimed upwards and fired, her body disappearing from view as she headed straight up towards the ceiling out of your view.

"What the hell is going on??" Helena questioned, speaking the thoughts that had also clouded your mind. Turning your head back towards them, you looked at them a second longer before your feet began to move, your body breaking off into a fast sprint towards the bullet dented door.

"Wait!" Leon watched as you ran, his legs taking off right after you. Grabbing the edge of the door, you slammed it shut once you went through, your hands finding the handle and twisting the lock, keeping him on the other side. Just as you expected, he had grabbed the handle from the other end and twisted the knob tightly, letting out a loud grunt followed by a harsh punch against the metal.
"Damnit (Y/N), open the door!"

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