Chapter 23

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A slicing mechanical roar came from the skies above, followed by a rough gust of heavy dusty wind as a large commercial airplane passed overhead, angled rather awkwardly as one of the wings came into contact with a nearby building, slicing through the metal and glass sending debris in every known direction.

"It's American!" Sherry cried out in a mixture of shock and awe, your breath getting caught in your throat as you last saw the tail of the plane heading downwards, disappearing behind another building. "It's gonna crash-!!" Your voice immediately cut off by the loud impact of the plane to the ground, shaking the floor underneath the three of you as a mushroom puff of fire was quickly exposed to the air.

"We gotta hurry!" Sherry ran towards the double doors, slamming her shoulder against it hard enough for the metal to burst open, disappearing fast right after. "Wait, Sherry!" You called out, running after her quickly with Jake by your side.
"We need to find surviviors! The crash site isn't far!" She yelled back, her pace not letting down for a single second.

"Was she always like this??" Jake asked you, seeing Sherry run down a couple of short roads, turning without almost no stop until the faint top part of the plane was visible to your sight. "Sort of, she's the kind of person this world needs, that's all I'll say." She proceeded to jump up onto a large cargo crate, her feet slightly sliding against the metal before pulling herself over, standing on top of the large cargo crate. She kneeled down at the edge, extending a hand towards you once you got close. You jumped up fast, grabbing ahold of her hand as the material of your boots slightly slid a bit on the metal wall while you struggled to climb, Sherry's pull on your arm making it much easier to get upright.
The two of you grabbed ahold of Jake once he jumped up shortly after you, getting him up quickly before the three of you jumped over the large crate, your cheeks warming up fast from the bright flames as you landed on the ground, looking up slowly to find bright glowing embers dancing around your head, like fireflies in an enchanted forest. They arrived from the most enormous fire you've seen yet, coming straight from the crashed plane that made you automatically believe that no one could've survived.

You walked ahead slowly, Sherry leading the way as her head turned in every direction of the cargo yard, seeing bits and pieces of metal and burning piles light up the area, not to mention the large broken plane just up ahead, leaving her mind wondering the same thing about survivors. 
Just as her hopes slightly dropped, she managed to spot the back of a man dressed in dark blue, adorned with a black vest accompanying a woman wearing red and a weapon harness. "Is that..." her voice caught your attention, having you turn your head to lock eyes on the head of the dirty blonde haired man, making your legs freeze in place and for some odd reason, your blood to run cold.

No damn way.

"Leon?" Sherry called out fast, breaking off into a fast run towards him. Jake huffed and threw his arms up a bit before chasing after her, leaving you staring at the two right from your spot.

Leon's head turned fast at the mention of his name, spotting Sherry stop a few inches away from him, her eyes glowing from shock seeing him at the most unlikely place to be. Jake stopped a few inches beside her, eyeing the two new people with a rather cold glare, finding it harder to accept even more strangers that Sherry somehow managed to know.

"Sherry?" Leon spoke out, the aura of surprise and shock stealing his mind. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm on protective detail," Sherry responded, turning her head a bit towards you after hearing your footsteps creep close.

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