Chapter 50

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"What is it?" His voice, raspy from sleep, was the first thing you heard as you woke up from your dreamless, peaceful sleep.

The first thing you noticed was Leon's absense by your side, your body immediatly missing the contact. You knew he was nearby, due to how close his voice was without having to look for him.
You opened your eyes slightly, noticing the faint sunlight lighting up your entire bedroom in a warm pastel glow. You blinked a few times to clear your vision, your mouth opening to express a silent yawn.

Sitting up edge of the bed was Leon, his back faced you while he had his phone to his right ear. You couldn't hear the voice he was speaking with, but in your sleepy state you would've cared less about it for the time being. What you were more focused on was his rather broad and muscular back, more importantly, the various small puncture wounds that littered his upper back and shoulders.

The wounds were from when he protected you from Simmons, during the time when you were unconscious. When he was treated for the casualties later on, it resulted in him having to sit still while those who treated him proceeded to extract any and all remaining porcupine like splinters and debris from his skin. Thankfully, the black vest he wore that night protected him from any of the needles piercing anywhere too important, and thankfully the ones that did strike him weren't that deep, and delivered no infection to the wounds.

"That's great news," Leon responded after a few moments of silence, "I'll let her know about it." His voice was slightly lowered, but clear enough for the caller to understand, Leon himself being under the assumption that you were asleep behind him. When, in reality, you were watching him the entire time, slowly pulling his pillow to tuck underneath your head, tucking the covers under your chin as you proceeded to get comfortable.

"Wait... when?" His tone changed, having you focus completely on the call in silence, wondering what got him sounding so serious.
He sighed a bit, lowering his head slightly before nodding a bit, responding with a quick reply before hanging up the phone.

"You alright?" His head turned to you, suspecting you were still asleep.

"Yeah," he nodded, placing his phone on the end table, "Hunnigan called, got some good news for you."

"Well," you hugged your pillow closer to your head, "What is it?"

"She told me," Leon began to speak, laying back in bed with his head propped up on his arm, looking down at you, "That the labs that were sent the data of your blood had just succeeded in completing a duplicate to match the blood samples you provided. All they're working on now is how to properly contain the duplicates from growing faulty on them before they test on some cancer cells. They should be able to process an effective cancer treatment in less than a few weeks."

Your smile had grown wide on your face the moment Leon explained the first sentence to you. Knowing that your hopes of creating a duplicate concoction of your blood were proved to be a complete success, and knowing that they're already working on treatments to tackle cancer itself, it was enough to spread a heavy warmth throughout your chest, your stomach bubbling in happiness.

This is what you always wanted. Your hopes and dreams of being able to change the world and help the people that live in it had came true, bringing you the best feeling you had ever experienced.
Leon smiled at the sight of your happiness, knowing how much this news truly meant for you, and he was happy enough to see you experience it.

Confusion began to flood his mind when he saw your smile falter slightly, before vanishing completely. "Their's bad news," you spoke, recalling the end of the call, "Is there?"

"No," Leon shook his head, bringing his hand to rest on your hip, "No bad news whatsoever."

"But," it was your turn to shake your head, "What about towards the end of the call? Hunnigan said something that made you sound... I don't know, unhappy."
Leon went quiet, his gaze tearing away from yours. He closed his eyes, turning his head to face the ceiling before taking a deep breath. "I got a mission," he admitted, slowly returning his gaze back to you, "I'm not sure what it is yet. Hunnigan told me to come in for a briefing on it."

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