Chapter 29

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Your feet continued to carry you as fast as you could down the hallway you saw Ada escape from, the heavy burden of questions crammed in your mind like bullets in their magazine.

Behind you, interestingly enough, was Chris's partner in crime, his footsteps keeping a persistent pace behind you. Maybe he was after Ada too-

"Hey! Stop!"

Or me.

Not following his commands, you kept on running as fast as you could. The exit doors were so close, it didn't take much more than a few extra fast steps to get towards it. You thought you could outrun him, but a sharp tug on your elbow said otherwise, a yelp escaping your mouth as you were yanked back, your feet stumbling from the action.

Turning around fast, your free arm balled into a fist, attempting to hit the face of the man who grabbed you. Your hand missing his head by a mere few inches, seeing as he dodged your blow faster than you had expected. His hand left your arm, only for it to return on your opposite shoulder, his forearm pressing against your collarbone in a hard shove, pushing you back against the wall.

You were trapped between the hard wall and the builder chest of the man, his forearm holding you in place while his other had brandished a handgun, his rifle tucked to his side by the strap. Both of your bodies breathed heavily, due to all the running and adrenaline surging through your veins.

You glared into his eyes, seeing his narrowed down with a copious amount of anger, which you knew wasn't directed towards you. But at the same time, you knew he had you pinned to the wall for a reason.

"Where is she heading?" He demanded, the barrel of the gun coming close to your cheekbone, the inner you slightly laughing inside at his attempt to threaten you.

"I don't know," your voice didn't betray your inner thoughts, sounding more innocent and confused, sounding rather unconvincing to Piers. He caught note of this, his finger slightly tightening on the trigger. "You do know where she's heading. You better tell me right now, you owe me that much (Y/N)!"

You blinked.

"Owe you?"

"I just saved your life from my Captain, he called your name out for a reason," He shook his head a little, fire flooding his irises as if he was watching his home being burned to the ground, and wondering why. "How does my Captain know you?!"

Your breathing had calmed by the time he finished yelling out his question, your gaze looking over the facial features of his glistening sweaty skin. The gun's cold barrel was enough to send chills down your spine, time seeming to slow significantly around you.

Damnit. Where's Leon when I need him?

Hearing the faint echo of another pair of footsteps following not far from the two of you, your hand quickly grabbed ahold of his wrist, yanking it away with a quick grunt. He had accidentally pulled the trigger in this surprised move, the bullet hitting a few inches away from your head. Your other arm grabbed ahold of his shoulder, your foot slipping between him to kick his knee hard, making him lose his balance at the same time you twisted his arm, pulling him towards the side as hard as you could to push him face first against the wall, your hands twisting his arm up to his back.

"You're right, I do owe you," Grabbing his gun, removing the clip with a fast gesture, catching the mag with your other hand.

"I won't kill you. Fair is fair." Dropping the empty gun, you let go of him and left in a fast sprint, leaving him in a monetary perplexed state.
You slammed the exit doors open, the warm night air cooling the sweat on your face. You caught sight of the bright red car with its roaring engine, seeing Ada in the driver's seat with her hands on the wheel. Hearing the commotion, she turned her head in your direction, watching as you ran towards the passenger side, opening the door fast.

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