Chapter 48

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Your eyes were closed, occasionally reacting by your winces of pain when you felt the cloth being firmly pressed against your wound.
You were currently still in the helicopter's backseats, laying as still as possible when you were told to. Leon was on his knees in front of you, his hands firmly pressing against the wound on your side with a semi-clean cloth that he took by ripping your shirt sleeve and had folded three times over.

You could've cared less about your shirt being ripped, or him unbuttoning your lower half to get him a better view of your wound. What you did mostly care for was the feeling of his calloused hands touching your skin, sending goosebumps along your body that you weren't sure if he had noticed or not. When you opened your eyes slightly, you were enamored at the atmosphere you were in: the helicopter dark due to the heavy clouded skies, the only lights coming from the screens in front where Helena was flying the helicopter. Leon, with his handsome grey blue eyes, were narrowed in focus as he slowly peeled back the cloth, assessing the damage of the wound the best he could.

"It's not too deep," he commented, slowly placing the cloth back and applying pressure to stop any further bleeding, "I highly doubt that it severed any arteries. For the most part, you're gonna be alright." 

You smiled slightly, staring up at him with half lidded eyes as he made eye contact with you. "That's good." You responded slowly, your attention staying on him for a few more moments before you closed your eyes again, feeling the rumble of the engines and the helicopter's blades cutting through the skies rather relaxing.

"Tell me about the cure Hunnigan was talking about."

"Well," Leon brought his hand to your head, fingers gently coming through your strands of hair, "A while back, Chris contacted me and told me about that one kid, Jake Muller. Appearently, he holds the antibodies for the C-Virus. As far as I know, they're already set on making some vaccines."

"Hmm." Was all you could say, your eyes remaining closed as you thought back to the snarky, scowl faced boy that Sherry was with back in China. You knew, with one glance into his eyes, that something wasn't completely right about him. Something about those eyes of his had set you off the edge a bit with unknown nostalgia, and then it clicked that the boy's eyes alone reminded you of your least favorite person in the world.

"Is it true," you began, "That he's Albert Wesker's son?"

Leon detected the slight change in your voice, as if it was a question you didn't want to ask, because you already knew the answer to it.
"Yeah," he nodded, continuing to run his fingers throughout your hair, "As I can tell, it's true. But what about it?"

"I.. don't know," you admitted, swallowing slowly while shaking your head, "I just, I.. I believed that what I came to China to search for was... I don't know." You shook your head again, meeting Leon's gaze. "I just didn't know he had a son."

Leon's fingers stopped, picking up on what you were trying to say, but he knew you weren't sure how to say it, so you attempted to evade it. "All this time," he began, "You believed that you were searching for the proof that you had the cure, that You are the cure. Is that right?"

You nodded slowly, seeing him return his own nod.

"But not only that," you spoke, looking over to the side a bit as you recalled most of the night's events, "The last thing I expected to find out was that their were others like me. Others... like Jake, Someone who carried the antibodies without realizing it maybe, and he just.. happened to save millions of lives. That's incredible."

Leon watched as your expressions changed, almost as if you were upset at the news that Jake carried something similar to what you had, rather than being excited that they found a cure that could save millions from the harsh fate of the victims in China. "(Y/N)," he gently cupped your cheek in his hand, making sure you were staring back into his eyes, "I know I don't.. have special blood like you," you smiled slightly, which in turn made him smile a bit, "And I know I'll never understand how much pain and anger searching for your files had brought you, but I can tell you this, as wierd as it may sound, you're not the only one out there when it comes to antibodies."

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