Chapter 28

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You were running, your heart throbbing unevenly in your ears as your legs carried you as fast as you could muster. Ada was a short distance ahead of you, keeping up a similar brisk pace across the metal platform.

Once you had caught up to her a few moments ago, you failed to ask her why she emerged from a room carrying a silver metal briefcase, your words cut off by Chris and his partner still in heavy persuit of the woman, leaving you no choice but to follow along with her, hoping to get even more answers out of this if you two were to make it out alive from them.

Before Ada managed to continue along the path ahead, her turn route was cut off by rapid gunfire towards the ground in rapid zig zag motions, having her step back fast and halt her running. She looked up to find Piers blocking her path, the tip of his rifle steaming slightly as he aimed it towards her head. You forced your legs to stop just a few inches away from Ada's body, your lungs struggling to take in proper amounts of air, seeing Piers blocking the path to the only possible exit route you could think of. Turning your head towards where you came, you watched as Chris stopped just a few feet away from you, his gun held in the exact manner as his partner's.

Damnit. You looked back towards Piers, who kept his gun aimed towards you and Ada. Then, you looked back at Chris, who also had his gun pointed towards you and Ada. Both you and her were trapped in the corner by two BSAA soldiers, giving you nowhere else to go.

You looked into Chris's eyes, spotting the same raging anger that flooded them just like minutes ago when he had shot you accidentally, only he wasn't expressing the emotions at you. Of course, he was looking at Ada, who stared back at him without a word, responding with slowly narrowing eyes, as of tempting him to pull the trigger.

Out of total surprise, you failed to see Leon come out of the blue right behind him. You failed to notice the silhouette of the man coming up fast from behind Chris, bringing his hands up fast in an attempt to push the gun out of Chris's hands, the bullets that were meant to kill you both missing you by a hair's length, sparing a slight graze against the excess fabric of your red stained sleeve as they sparkeed on the wall behind you.
Leon wasn't deaf when he heard your familiar voice cry out in pain, and he wasn't blind seeing you trapped in the corner with Ada, your white sleeve slowly drying with blood, your blood, From bullets that Chris had fired.

Leon in his own angered state, had picked up the pace once he had caught sight of two very familiar women trapped in the corner at gunpoint, his mind setting on protecting the two of you, even if it meant the worst.

Chris, in response to his weapon being thrown against the glass windows, responded with an angry swing towards Leon's direction, to which Leon ducked down fast, bringing his leg up to kick Chris, for him to duck down as well to avoid the blow. From your point of view, it was strange watching two men you grew to care for fight eachother in such a manner, knowing that they knew eachother. But it was strange, amongst the raging levels of anger and testosterone, it was like being front row at a dangerous dance, where one of the performers, even the audience, could end up dead.

You continued to watch in dead silence as Chris grabbed ahold of Leon's torso, pushing against him hard as he tackled him as hard as he could. Leon twisted his body, using his elbow in attempts to strike Chris, but Chris grabbed ahold of both his arms, holding him back to stop his further attacks. Leon pulled himself out of Chris's grip, wrapping his arms around Chris's head in attempts to get him in a headlock, only for the bigger man to pull him over his shoulder hard, throwing Leon to the floor.

Leon rolled his body, grabbing his handgun at the same time Chris grabbed ahold of his. Both turned towards eachother with guns aimed at the ready, both breathing heavily as the windows cascaded the bright colorful lights of the neon signs, and faint flashes of car lights on the roads. The lights ignited the sweat on their faces, shining brighter than the daggers they each glared at eachother with.

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