Chapter 15

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Before even Leon could think of a response to Hunnigan's alarming question, you reached over and grabbed the phone from his hands, pulling it out of his stiff grasp.

You ended the call right then and there, seeing the screen go blank in the palm of your hands.

"(Y/N)," Leon began, receiving a look from you after you realized what you had just done. Lowering your hand with the phone, you kept a steady gaze on him. "Why did you-"

"Because," you began, slowly shaking your head. "I wasn't ready."

"For what?" Helena questioned, making you wince slightly, raising your hands a little. "I just-" You turned away, making a small sigh before looking back at the two, handing Leon back his phone. "I just wasn't ready to deal with it. Not yet anyway."

He took his phone back, slipping it into his jacket pocket without further question for the moment. The anticipation was eating away at his core, his mind slowly growing impatient while looking at you. "(Y/N), I can't wait like this anymore."

"What do you mean?" You began to ask, seeing his facial expressions looking a bit mixed with anger and hints of aggression. For sure.

"I need answers from you, and I want them now. You kept me waiting a bit too long."

Oh boy.

"Look, Leon-" you began, jumping a bit when he approached you, giving you a perfect view of the emotions flooding his eyes and the venom laced in his voice as he stood a few inches away from you. "Don't tell me to look (Y/N). I need to know everything. Every damn thing."

"Hey!" Helena's arms snuck into the space between the two of you, bracing her arm on Leon's chest as a motion to back away. You were quite surprised, seeing how you didn't know Helena all that well, yet she stood in front of you to take the possible bullets Leon could've thrown at you.

"I know you're angry with.. whatever happened between you two," she began, keeping her arms out in case Leon were to push against her to get to you. Only you knew Leon wasn't that way, though that may have changed in the years that you were dead.

"But can we discuss this somewhere else? Like.. let's find a car and go somewhere for the night. You can talk all you want until then."

Helena's idea ran through both your minds, your eyes locked into each others the entire time.

"If we go and find somewhere for the night," Leon spoke slowly, eyes frozen on you. "Will you tell me everything?"

"I promised you, didn't I?" You responded, a glimmer sparking in your eyes.

His head slowly nodded a few times, looking down at Helena once she slowly lowered her arms. "Alright, good." Her faze switched between you two, before looking towards the trees. "We can find a road, maybe hotwire a car, see where that takes us."

"Good idea," you turned away slowly, watching Helena take off first, leading the way in front of you.

The walk was incredibly silent, the only sounds accompanying you were the crunches and squelches of your wet water-logged boots on wet grass and broken nettles, the air around you heavy with the smell of rain and pine. Helena's back was faced towards you as she continued her walk, unsure where she was heading and when it was going to end. Your body felt so exhausted from your trip, it was becoming difficult to keep up wit Helena, who seemed to only grow more and more feet apart from you.

You heard Leon's footsteps not far behind you, slowly growing closer to you at some points, which automatically had your feet forcing bigger steps to keep yourself away from him. It was splitting your head apart from how much you wanted to be away from him, compared to how close you wanted to remain as well. It was causing a headache, you were so used to being alone.

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