Chapter 49 *smut*

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(Smut warning ahead.)

You woke up to the feeling of calloused fingers gently running across your upper left shoulder with feather-like strokes, causing goosebumps to form along your bare skin. His touch was warm and comforting, like no other person in the world.

Without even opening your eyes, you knew the time was nowhere near morning. The bedroom was dark, the curtains shut to block any moonlight from coming into the room. Although, that didn't stop the light from seeping through the faint openings, barely providing a proper light for someone to see their hand in front of their face.

You were back in your apartment, on a street that wasn't too busy at night, yet was crowded with traffic during the day.
Your bedroom was as comfortable as you left it, with the walls bare of decoration, and your blankets and bedsheets your favorite colors. It felt incredible to be home and take a hot shower in your own bathroom, to cleanse yourself with your favorite soap and shampoo, and have the freedom of staying under the hot water for almost an hour without the worry of getting a new mission which usually ended in putting a gun to someone's head.

Your home is where you felt the most safe, the most comfortable, and the most free. This time, you arrived home with your emotions amplified, feeling wonderful to be home in general.

Of course, you didn't arrive home alone.

Leon's fingers continued to slowly run along the length of your arm, stopping near your elbow to repeat the gentle gesture. The motions soothed your body, making a small smile stretch across your face. He was the one that drove you home the first night you arrived, and you encouraged him to stay the moment he offered to.

The way the two of you ended your night was to embrace eachother in the darkness, limbs intertwined as neither of you felt a desire to let eachother go, as if either of you were to leave eachother at any given moment.

You slowly turned your head to look up at Leon, using the faint moonlight to your advantage as you caught a glimpse of the light reflecting on Leon's gray blue eyes staring down at you, almost making them looked like polished steel. You stared into them quietly, feeling his fingers slowly stop along your arm before he placed his hand firmly against your shoulder.

Neither of you needed to speak, Their wasn't an entire need to in the first place. Just the both of you together in the comfortable silence was more than enough to satisfy your mind.

His fingers left your arm to travel along your collarbone, his touches along your bare skin sent faint tingles up and down your spine. You noticed glimpses of his eyes roam down your body, starting at your plump lips down to the smooth skin along your neck, stopping at your chest where the blanket covered just enough of your breasts, but left enough for him to view the shape of them hidden underneath.

His eyes flicked back towards yours once he saw the movement of your hand coming close, your fingers caressing his cheek as you sat up slightly, using your shoulder for support as you continued to look into his eyes. His hand left your collarbone and retreated towards a space against your upper back, his eyes glistening in the faint moonlight as they stared at you.

Slowly, you leaned in closer, your fingers making out the details of his cheek, his skin warm against your palm. You captured his lips in a soft kiss, feeling his lips comply almost immediately to yours. His hand roamed from your back to cradle the back of your head, the kiss remaining gentle and calm between the both of you.

It was only then the kiss broke when you felt the touch of Leon's other hand on your shoulder, applying a gentle amount of pressure against you that had you laying on your back. Your hand never left the side of Leon's face as he captured you in another kiss, allowing your free arm to slide around the back of his neck in a hug.
He slowly maneuvered himself to rest ontop of you, nestling comfortably above you without having to shift all his weight onto his arms. In this position, you felt trapped underneath his body, but to you it made you feel the most safe and secure you've ever felt in your life.

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