Chapter 35

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"Leon?! Leon, are you alright?!" Chris's frantic voice grabbed Leon's attention fast, turning his mind away from the clouds of indigo gas clouds flooding into every nook and crevice of the building, walking corpses of once terrified civilians being birthed in its wake.

"Yeah..." Leon spoke with a loud clear tone, unable to block the screams of those unaffected being attacked by the infected. "But things just got bad. Real bad!"
Crowds of civilians were frantically running in all directions possible, unsure which proper way to run as the gas seemed to have everyone trapped in. The BSAA soldiers who attempted to attack off the undead were swarmed, grabbed ahold of and tackled down, their jaws clamping through the padding of their uniforms as their teeth chomped through bloody flesh. The smell of copper and slight sulfur becoming quite pungent very quickly.

"Damnit!" Chris punched the thick metal wall right beside the jet controls, the glass too thick to even leave a faint scratch with a cinderblock.

"Chris, listen to me." Leon put his fingers on the ear piece, trying to hear Chris as best as he could amidst all the chaos. "I need you to rescue two hostages from an underwater oil field. Agent Sherry Birkin, and Jake Muller." Leon slightly hesitated with his next choice of words, knowing very well of the past involving Chris and the former enemy that twisted and manipulated the people they both loved. "He's Albert Wesker's son."

"Wesker?" Chris responded with heavy disbelief in his tone through the earpiece.

"Chris," Leon continued again, "He's got antibodies for the C-virus."

Chris remained quiet for a moment, his mind occupied by the faint sounds of screams and the loud engine of the jet he was in. All the memories of his past came flooding back, questions arising on how Wesker even managed to have a son, and keep it a secret. Although, Wesker kept many secrets very well. He couldn't judge the dead man as much as he used to.

"I got it. I'm on my way."

Leon nodded once, feeling beyond relieved that someone he knew he could trust could go save the others from more further harm. "Good. Thanks."

"Leon, wait. There's something I need to tell you." Leon's mind went blank, his shoulders slightly tensing up from the news he was about to receive, his fingers applying a bit more pressure to the earpiece.

"Ada Wong is dead."

Helena, who was silently listening through all the news, looked over to see Leon's face slightly change, his complexion going blank as his eyes were completely open, his gaze lost towards an unknown spot towards the ground.
"Chris," he slowly asked, "What about (Y/N)? What happened to her?"

Chris paused for a moment, unaware that his moment of silence caused the tension in Leon to intensify dramatically. He knew you had to be alive and well, you somehow always were. But knowing almost the full story between you and Leon, Chris wasn't completely sure how to respond. Did you want Leon to know? Or not? He wasn't sure what role to play in this, or how to respond.

"She... was with Ada. We were at a ship and crossed paths with her, she was quite injured when we found her. We last saw her there when I left."

"Chris," Leon spoke again, his tone lowering slightly as the tension began to show through his struggling voice. "What happened to her?"

"She... was attacked. Ada attacked her. She turned out okay but the ship began to fall apart when me and Piers left. We don't know if she survived Leon."
Leon slowly lowered his fingers from the earpiece, His head slowly lowering as his eyes slowly grew glossy from the news. He didn't know what to believe from what Chris told him, the fact that you were dead from a woman he hated to admit he had grown to care for over the years, or if you told Chris to lie to him.

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