Chapter 43

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Simmons roaring into the skies from his pain was enough to irritate your ears and your head, your body getting tired from dealing with this mutated beast for the past five minutes.

You and Ada were stuck playing dodge every time the strange fan like appendage protruding from Simmons' back spewed out these strange bone-like fragments towards your direction. You weren't sure what they were made of, but they were the size of small knife blades, and sharp enough to stick themselves or leave heavy dents into the steel underneath your feet.

"Why won't you obey (Y/N)?!" He roared, his feet planted in a certain stance that quickly let you know he was about to unleash another series of sharp needles in your direction. You took off running fast, hearing the various spikes hit the floor behind you, missing the heels of your feet by barely a centimeter. "You belong to me, you by far exceed more than my precious creations!"

You got towards Ada's side, who has immediatly reached for your arm to pull you close to her, helping you miss the rest of the needles. "This fucker just gets worse and worse," you commented, keeping a tight hold on Ada's forearm as she kept her gaze on Simmons.

The second bridge above you began to tremble, the bridge tilting to the side in an awkward manner having you quickly concerned if the bridge were to fall down and take down the bridge you were on.
"Come on!" Ada, keeping a tight hold on your arm, forced you to run along with her as the bridge above continued to collapse. Simmons witnessed this, causing him to emit a growl before chasing the both of you, despite the upper bridge crashing onto the current bridge, causing it to break the path between the both of you and Simmons.

Ada's arm immediatly wrapped around your waist as she pulled out her grapple gun. The ground underneath you gave away just as Ada fired, forcing you to keep a tight hold on her as you took off into the air. "Ada!" Simmons roared, seeing this as an attempt to keep you away from him at all costs, which seemed to piss him off even more than ever before.

The both of you landed onto a new bridge. You managed to stumble a little before you stood properly, putting both of your hands back onto your rifle. You looked over to Ada, seeing how she was looking down towards the last bridge that had collapsed, Simmons seeming nowhere in sight.

"Ada," you spoke, getting her attention, "Do you have any arrows left?"

"Why?" She asked, "You want to learn how to shoot a crossbow at this time? I don't have a lot of arrows left."

"No," you shook your head, "I just need one. I have a plan-"

The sudden rumble of the bridge shaking underneath you, followed by the roar of the mutated beast let you know that Simmons was far behind you, making the anger return to your entire being.

"How DARE you take my bride away from me Ada!" You turned your head, automatically putting your finger on the trigger. "Listen you son of a bitch, I'm not your fucking bride!"

This seemed to make Simmons laugh rather crudely, beginning to approach the both of you. "So feisty," he commented, "It amazes me how similar the both of you really are."

"You're disgusting." Ada fired towards Simmons, you following right after as your bullets penetrated the front of the beast, his pained roars bringing satisfaction to your ears.
"Let's get this straight, we're not your little dolls Simmons." Ada stepped back immediatly, watching as he spewed out more of his bone-like thorns. You looked down at them as some scattered close to your feet, the appearance alone made you wonder what they really were made of, either bone fragments from his own body, or if the needles were made from the same materials that fingernails were, but you weren't too keen on playing a scientist right now.

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