Chapter 17 *smut*

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(Smut warning ahead. I know everyone will read it, lol I would too. But honestly, Just please be responsible about it. ^^)
(Never written a smut scene either so let's see how this goes.)

The tears continued to stream down your cheeks, causing you to feel rather weak and pathetic looking in Leon's presence, but he's seen you like this a few times before, each time comforting you in the best way he could.

His left arm slowly snaked around your waist, bringing you closer towards his body in a way where you were able to feel the warmth of him through your rather thin clothing. The cool metal of his jacket zipper poked through your abdomen a bit, contrasting against the warmth of the leather you felt against your neck as Leon's hands slowly placed his right hand on your cheek, slowly breaking the kiss to stare into your eyes.

You stared back at him, the trails of excess tears leading down your chin, a few tears managing to fall on your shirt and some heading down your neck, disappearing under your fabric.
You noticed his eyes roaming slightly downwards, making slight tingles form up and down your spine.

Your left hand which still rested on his cheek brought a few fingers under his chin, lifting up a little to the point where he brought his gaze back into yours, your lips joining him into another kiss which he accepted. This kiss quickly grew more intense by each minute, both of you getting more into the heavy rhythm, yet their was bits of hesitation on your part. You didn't know where to put your hands, and what to with what you were expecting was going to happen. Due to you both being incredibly busy back then, heavy makeout sessions were all you could do if you were lucky.

You and him never really had sex. Simple as that.

"Mm, (Y/N)," he pulled away from the kiss again, looking at you again with his hold on your waist slightly loosening, staring at you with eyes of concern. "Have you by chance.. ever..?"

"No," you responded, positive your cheeks were practically glowing in embarrassment.

"Oh." Leon looked away a little, he himself starting to feel rather embarrassed in this current situation. It wasn't that he didn't ever want to have you, but suddenly being given the opportunity to do so, and knowing he would be your first, made this reunion encounter... slightly awkward.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" He looked towards you again, voice slightly lowered while asking.

"N-no," you confessed, voice brought down to a soft whisper. Following your response, your hand returned to his cheek again, your thumb stroking along the thin, faint line scar on his cheek, recalling the memories that followed on how he told you he got it. "But I know I wouldn't want anyone else to do this with."

Settling with your response, Leon slightly ducked down a bit, both his hands gripping ahold of your thighs, lifting you up from the ground. Securing your legs around his sides, he turned away from the door and proceeded towards the bed, mindful of you in his arms as you kept your grip on his shoulders.
A hand went behind your neck as he slowly lowered you onto the bed with your head falling on the plush pillows, his body hovering over yours while he brought his weight down on his elbow beside you, leaving you partically trapped under him.

The same hand slid out from under your neck, his fingers gently cupping your cheek as he stared into your eyes once again, intending to keep things slow between the two of you. He brought his face closer to yours, the tips of your noses touching, pure warmth radiating from both of you.

"Kiss me Leon." You whispered, to which he brought down his lips again, trapping yours in a much more heated kiss. Your hands found themselves on his back, nails lightly stratching against the leather material.

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