Chapter 9

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"These walkways won't hold, we need to get to the lower levels."

"We have to go lower??" You protested, seeing how you thought you should go upwards instead, not seeing how Ada's instructions would lead to a better exit.

"(Y/N), don't argue with me on this. We need to move, now." Ada looked at you with a rather stern glare and a mother's tone, making you narrow your eyes slightly back in her direction. As soon as you opened your mouth again, you saw Leon aim his gun towards something behind you, making you and Ada turn your heads.

Helena was kneeled down on the ground, holding her sister's limp body in an embrace. It was now that you noticed how strange the body looked after coming out of its grotesque green shell.

She was completely naked with greenish grey skin, pale and sickly looking with a thin layer of clear slime, exposing the veins laying underneath. Her body looked mutilated with various scars and cracks within the skin, showing bright red flesh without the mess of blood flowing from them. Her hair looked lighter and grew lots of inches down her back, sticking to the back of her head due to the strange slime. Her face looked like a cracked mask, eyes slowly opening to reveal milky eyes staring upwards, completely lacking irises.

"Helena! Get away from her!" Leon shouted, Helena quickly looking up from her forehead being rested on Deborah's shoulder. She saw large bursts of blood splatter from her back, three thick appendages erupting outwards from her spine, followed by two smaller claws curving forward almost trapping Helena in a cage like hold, bits of bloody slime dripping from the sharp pointy tips. "Stop!" In her state of panic, she turned around fast, her face showing heavy signs of plead. "Don't shoot, please!"

Deborah let out a yell, shoving Helena out of the way causing the woman to roll on the ground a bit before stopping. The dark maroon sharp appendages appeared like spider's legs, curling slightly in on themselves from the joints. Deborah slipped into a quick kneeling position, paying attention to Helena who was vulnerable on the ground. Without warning, she was on top of Helena, immediately getting pinned down by her arms.

Immediately, you brought your gun up quickly and began to fire, your bullets hitting into the exposed center between her shoulder blades where the appendages broke out, hoping they would affect her in some way. Leon quickly caught on the same idea, aiming his gun at Deborah's back, causing the woman to let out a throaty cry, pulling herself off of Helena before the sharp claws managed to puncture her body.

Deborah stumbled back from the bullets and fell to her knees, leaning forward from the wounds spitting out dark blood. She looked up quickly, eyeing a large stone carved pillar that was connected to more pillars creating designs overhead. With one twist of her body, one of the larger looking claws shot outwards, roughly hooking around the stone structure, striking it hard with enough force to cause the room to shake, having everyone look up with high alert.

"Move!" Ada yelled, seeing as the stone pillar began to crumble into large chunks, dropping down quickly to the ground. You managed to jump out of the way as you close to the impact zone, the others quickly turning around and dodging fast in various directions. Once you landed on the cold ground, the floor underneath where your feet were began to give away due to the massive impact of the stones, causing your entire lower half to fall through the floor first.

Your hands quickly scratched the ground in attempts to find a crevice or a piece of sturdy stone or wood to grab onto, but it was no use as the floor continued to cave in, sending you with it with a surprised cry of alarm.

Leon's mind filled with a familiar aching terror when he heard that scream, turning his head from staring up at the falling pillar to find your hands quickly dropping down below, your scream echoing as you fell, striking fear in his chest when you disappeared from his line of sight. Before he managed to run towards the edge, the rest of the floor gave in as it swallowed everyone whole, finding themselves letting out similar yells as they fell in, unsure where they were going to land.
Leon quickly found himself on solid wood built ground after hearing your scream, bits of rubble and wooden planks falling around him as the much bigger chunks fell through the center. Ada managed to land closer to Leon's side, slightly sliding down the wooden platform a few feet away from Leon where she had landed.

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