Chapter 14

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(I'm so so sorry about all this Haitus! The finals are coming up soon and I'm barely scraping time and sometimes procrastinate on this story, even though I still have SOO much planned. But I hope these next few chapters you'll enjoy!!)

Your arms automatically crossed themselves across your chest, your body feeling like it was thrown into the chilling air. As your body made impact into the large lake, your eyes shut tightly as the bubbles created a stinging burn to your skin, your nose irritated from all the water that rushed up into your throat.
Your arms slowly unfolded, your eyes opening to a murky, almost black vision. From the corner view to your left, you spotted another figure land into the water a few feet away from you, a large cascade of bubbles drifting away to reveal Leon, who's arms quickly spread out once his legs began to move, bringing him towards the surface. Both him and Helena made their way to the surface quicker than you, bursting with large gasps of air, their lungs burning from lack of air during the mutated Creature attack.

As Helena swam to the closest piece of wood available, grabbing onto it for dear life while getting proper air, Leon couldn't help but turn his head constantly, searching for you with a few calls of your name. Helena looked over towards her distressed partner, spotting the driftwood near him that he refused to grab, his arms struggling to keep him upright as the unforgiving ripples continued to beat against his body.

Moving your arms above your head, you swam up as quick as you could, your head bursting out of the water with a large gasp, followed by droplets flying from your head, your wet hair plastered to your face. A few loud coughs alerted Leon of your presence, his heart burning in relief knowing you were alright.

"(Y/N)!" Leon's voice called to you, making you turn your head as your free hand attempted to move your hair from your face, the currents or the water making it difficult to keep afloat properly.

His hand reached over and grabbed your wrist, pulling your body towards his direction in the water. His arm quickly let you go, wrapping around behind you and grabbing your side, pulling you close to him as his free arm hooked ahold of a large piece of driftwood, keeping him upright.
"You okay?" He allowed you to grab the wood, receiving a nod from you as you kept your head above water, mindful of your head keeping upright.

"Yeah, I'm okay." You looked at Leon, seeing how ripples of water traveled down his hair and face in miniature streams, dripping from his chin into the water. Within the pinnacle moment, your eyes found themselves locked with his, the contact between you too almost too silent, but you couldn't help it.

His eyes were always a weak spot for you, especially in murky lake waters such as this, the faint light from the night sky reflected off the water creating rippled patterns into his irises, turning his gaze into two moonstones.

Loud screeches zoomed past overhead, grabbing the attention of all three of you to look up at the skies, spotting the faint tracks of two planes zooming past you far above. Their direction headed towards Tall Oaks, both planes disappearing behind the tall forest trees.

A loud boom followed a few seconds later, forcing a large gasp to erupt from your lips, eyes wincing at the huge amount of light that erupted from amongst the trees. The explosion blew back the clouds that gathered, spreading large amounts of wind that even affected the shadows of the trees that was near the closest beach.

"Oh God," was all you could muster, your only words filling up the silence that came from the two partners, both filled with horror and awe at the large explosion that erupted.

"Come on," Leon's words broke the silence, his hand that had remained at your side quickly abandoning you, leaving both hands to grab the driftwood. "To the closest shore."

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