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The wedding, with only less than a week's worth of time before Leon was to leave for his mission, had been the most stressful yet rewarding thing you've ever accomplished, and it was definitely rewarding.

You did your good share in preparations for the wedding, despite the thought of having to plan your own wedding growing immediately mind boggling. You have thought of weddings in the past, especially when it came to your own, but you never thought of having your own wedding in such circumstances, but you managed just fine in the end.

After some difficult choices, you found your dream wedding dress, you decided with Leon the perfect venue to book on short notice, and in the end, it was a small, simple, elegant wedding you were satisfied with.

You walked down the aisle alone with no one to give you away, dressed in your chosen wedding down, your long veil framing your decorated face as you became the center of attention to your guests, which mostly consisted of your few friends and close old colleagues.

You held your bouquet in your hands, consisting of your most favorite flowers. Leon's gaze met yours as you approached the alter alone, his eyes full of pure adoration for you, never believing that this day was actually happening. But it was, and he was beyond glad to share it with you.

You gave him a smile back, unable to break your gaze away from his. You were positive he couldn't tell how careful you were with each step you took, or how shaky your fingers were around the bundled up stems of your bouquet. You were experiencing a typical bride's nervousness, the type where your stomach was so full of jittery butterflies it almost felt like it was to explode, the type that made you think if this was truly what you wanted for the rest of your life.

But just as you stopped at the altar, facing Leon fully as you stood in front of the officiant with an open bible in his hands, you confirmed in your mind that you did in fact want this. You did want to marry Leon Kennedy, you were to be his bride, his future wife, his forever partner. You wouldn't trade that for anything else in the world.

The officiant allowed everyone to be seated, making you take a deep breath before Leon stepped closer, taking the ends of your veil in his fingertips before lifting it over your head, making his smile grow even more.

"You're beautiful (Y/N)." Leon commented in a quiet voice, forcing you to look down with a smile, staring at your own bouquet as warmth familiarized itself on your cheeks.

The officiant proceeded to speak a few words, detailing the love between two people that could create a strong bridge. He explained that the bridge could crumble and crack, and even break apart when times become rough, but as long as both partners put in the effort to mend the breaks and continue on, the same bridge can be patched and rebuilt, reinforcing the love to be stronger than before.

These were words you never knew you needed to hear, but you were glad to hear them at the exact location you needed to hear it. You looked Leon in the eyes as the two of you held hands, seeing his grey eyes full of pure love for you, just as your heart was full for him.

When the rings were to be presented, Leon was first to volunteer to speak his vows to you. He took your hand in his, getting your attention by speaking your name as he held your ring in his two fingers.

"(Y/N)... When I first met you, I never told you I had been in a tough place beforehand, but it had all changed that night. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity that I would ever escape the depths of hell with an angel in my arms. I doubt many people would say the same thing based on what we've been through."

You smiled, your hand slowly squeezing his in a way that made him notice, forcing the corner of his mouth to curve in a smile.

"We fell for eachother fast. We fell fast and we fell hard. However, it was.. never overwhelming for me, it felt so right to be able to cherish you and everything about you, their was no further question about it. You showed me the true person that no one else was allowed to see, and I want to spend the rest of my life protecting the person you truly are, and cherishing every single wish and desire you hold to your heart."

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