Chapter 31

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"It went fine," you responded, your gun still in both hands as your eyes went from one of the soldiers to the other, seeing the assault rifles they brandished in both their hands. "What's with them Ada?"

She didn't respond, but instead looked towards the left to her little henchman. He raised his hand from his side, displaying an odd looking cylinder shaped flask sealed off by silver metal seals, the black contents swishing as Ada grabbed it in her hand left hand.

"Would you like to know something (Y/N)?" She began, taking a step forward, holding the flask within her fingers while swirling the contents slowly like one would with a wine glass, her attention stuck on it. "Remember all those questions you bombarded me with when we arrived here? Specifically the ones where you had asked if I had caused this chaos?"

Your grip slightly tightened on the gun, your mind automatically thinking of the answer. She was lying the whole time.

"You did this, didn't you Ada?"

She looked back at you, a smirk written on her face. "Of course I did."

Shaking you head slowly, you looked to the soldiers by her sides, seeing their grip on their guns were just as tight as yours, both rifles raised in your direction due to your gun pointing towards Ada.

"Why," you looked back at her, "Why did you do it?"

She scoffed a bit, looking back at the flask before slowly beginning a pace to the left, keeping the distance separated thanks to the tables between the two of you. "Your precious Fiancée isn't all he seems you know. I was right about a few things, one being that he is the catalyst to many things going wrong. One of them of course, being the death of the President, and all of Tall Oaks."

She looked at you a bit from the corner of her eyes, "Oh, and not to mention Raccoon City."

"Raccoon City?!" You cried out in disbelief, shaking your head. "No! He didn't-"

"Are you so sure about that?" She tilted her head, "Think about it (Y/N), Umbrella has caused the chaos that resulted in the city to be bombed. And who do you think had taken the call for the place to be destroyed? For the evidence to disappear? I'll give you a hint, it wasn't the President."

It was Simmons? But-that's insane.
But it makes sense. Too much sense.

"And what does that have to do with you? With all you're doing?" You asked, your finger contemplating on the trigger slightly while she continued to speak.

"Here's a new story to the picture. Summons at the time was in love with a woman," She walked towards the table, staring at you fully with her fingers curled around the flask, "A particular woman with a brilliant mind and attitude he was so infatuated with, he was so tormented when she rejected him."

The confused look on your face was enough to make Ada chuckle a little, rolling her eyes a bit. "And so, he decides a special project to create a clone of her. One that would love and cherish him as much as he had cherished her." Her voice softened just a little with her next words, her gaze turning a bit towards the window beside you. "Just think of it, all 12,235 subjects tested on... and I was stupid enough to be one of them."

... one of them?

She looked back at you after breaking her trance, her smirk turning into a frown, her tone stern and full of fresh anger. "And so I sought revenge. I did my own tests, founded Neo-Umbrella, the list goes on and on. But one thing I've come to notice was when Simmons dropped the infatuation... for you."

She approached the table slowly, her eyes narrowing in a way that looked like a tiger slowly approaching their oblivious prey, making your knuckles on the gun almost turn white.

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