Chapter 32

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"Can you feel it spreading through your body yet?"

Her voice echoed throughout the entire ship, making Chris and Piers slow to a stop, looking around the dimly lit room as Ada continued to speak.

"I'm just giving you exactly what you gave me, Simmons."

Chris stared at the source of her voice in the far top corner of the room, his finger locked on the trigger the whole time she spoke.

"At first, you'll be afraid. But don't worry, you're just becoming the monster you always were. You and everyone else on the planet. You and your Family may have shaped the world into what it is today, but starting tomorrow, it's all going to change."

Chris shook his head slowly, walking towards the door leading to who knows where. "Like hell it will."

"You think she's close Captain?" Piers asked, Chris looking over his shoulder just a bit. "She better be."

"Damn, what did she do to you?" Ada's gloved fingertips pressed themselves to your neck, making note of the sweat and dried blood that covered your skin. The last place she expected you to be was collapsed on the ground, blood and shards of glass surrounding your body, making your once pristine white shirt looked like it was used to mop up a crime scene.

Thankfully, besides bits of scratches and the now dried grazed bullet wound on your shoulder, you weren't fatally wounded. Luckily, Ada felt the pulse beating underneath her fingers, giving her confirmation that you were indeed alive.
In her knelt position, she grabbed ahold of your upper arms, lifting your upper body up slowly from the ground, sitting you up against the wall underneath the shattered window where she had a good look inside before after finding you.

"(Y/N)," she proceeded to shake your shoulders gently, unaware if you were hurt internally or collapsed from exhaustion. Nonetheless, you were alive, you were lucky she had found you first. "Come on (Y/N), wake up."

Your eyes fluttered slightly, your heartbeat pounding painfully in your eardrums. When you attempted a breath of air, your throat disagreed but constricting, forcing your eyes to widen and your throat to become hoarse, causing an ugly croak when you attempted to breathe. Your hands went up fast, grabbing ahold of Ada's forearms as you struggled to breathe, all while you were alarmed at the sight of her.

"Shh," Ada quickly shushed you, covering your mouth a bit to prevent any more air from coming in. She studied you, seeing your struggled state to breathe properly. She cursed in her mind, not having any way of bringing water to you, because you sure looked like you needed it.
"(Y/N), listen to me." She looked at you, her gloved hand still covering your mouth. "Bite your tongue."

You stopped breathing, looking at her with wide eyes and deeply furrowed brows.

"Just trust me. Your throat is dry? Bite your tongue, it may help."

Questioning what the hell she was telling you, you slowly bit down on your tongue, feeling your mouth flooding with saliva. Slowly, you swallowed in a way that began to soothe your dry throat, helping with the pain. You did it again a bit longer this time, swallowing a bit more before taking a deep breath through your nose, feeling a slight relief as the air entered your lungs without as much pain.

"Better?" She lowered your hand, allowing you to inhale slowly, calming down before giving her a good nod. You got a better view of her this time, noting the familiar leather pants and red button up shirt from the night before, looking completely different from Ada-or Carla, you had followed to get on this ship. This must've been the real Ada Wong, not some fake who planned the terrorist attacks just to get back at someone that really screwed her over.

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