Chapter 33

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Chris bursted through the doors first, Piers following right behind you as the three of you found yourselves outside, the warm winds blowing rapidly against your bodies as the smell of the waters down below became more potent, helping in clearing your senses.

Your gaze went towards the edge, spotting the blue dressed clone standing with her back facing towards you, her red scarf blowing in the wind similar to curtains of an open window. One of her hands contained an odd looking gun while her other hand contained a familiar cube phone, reminding you of the one in your pocket.

Chris with his quickly developing anger barked out her name, calling to her attention by pointing his gun towards your back. You and Piers did the same, only for some odd reason your fingers were hesitant, probably due to the fact that she looked just like your long time friend, making you rather uneasy at the fact she fooled you so perfectly.

"Still haven't had enough huh?" She questioned with bored sarcasm in her tone, putting her phone away while facing the three of her, her odd gun still in hand, "After losing all your men, again?"

Her stretch on the last word caused a growl to escape from Chris's mouth, his legs taking him a step forward as the grip on his gun tightened.
Your eyes caught glimpses of the pained strain in his eyes, making you wonder what this woman had done to Chris that was so terrible to make him want to kill her. You recalled him shouting out that he had lost all of his men, giving you a vital piece of what had brought him here.

"With your track record, I gotta say," She put on a slight smirk, one to make even your blood boil, "I'd hate to be a member of your team, Chris."

Chris emitted another snarl, taking another step toward with a faint click of his trigger being heard from your ears, making you wince a bit.
"Don't listen to her, Captain!" Piers insisted, attempting to calm Chris down despite even him getting angry at the woman in front of them.

"But where are my manners?" Carla asked, crossing her arm while lifting her gun up to her face, examining it like it was a prized possession. "I mean, really, I should be thanking your men... for being such good-"

She turned her head back towards the three of you, her eyes glimmering with evil mischief as her wrist twisted slightly, rattling her gun a little. "-test subjects."

That alone was the last straw for Chris, your ears picking up his ferocious roar of anger. His gun extended outwards, his finger pulling back the trigger so quickly before you realized that he was going to kill her.
"Chris no-!" You cried out before you had a chance to stop your words, your hand leaving your rifle to grab ahold of his forearm, hearing the bullet he fired hit against something hard sounding instead of the suspected cry you were slightly anticipating to hear at the same time. Looking back towards Carla, you watched as the gun she held fling out of her grip, thrown back towards the ground lots of feet below.

"Hm." Carla huffed, looking back towards Chris as she shook her hand a bit from the slight shock in her muscles of her hand.
Chris looked down towards you a bit, seeing your tight grip on his forearm from your attempt to stop him. His gaze met yours when you looked up at him, seeing your eyes filled with heavy confusion, giving him a perfect opportunity to explain to you what had happened to him in the past, and recently, with his deceased team members.

With a slow nod of his head, it was enough for your hand to slowly get off his arm, returning back to its position on your rifle. Lowering his own rifle, he glared back at Carla, his fingers slightly shaking at the anticipation of killing her once and for all.
"Ever since Edonia," he spoke out, leaving you and Piers listening, "All I've wanted was to see you dead." With a final shake to his head, he brought his rifle back towards her, the woman in front of him a large target to stop the madness.

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