Chapter 22

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"Forget about me for a moment, but what the hell are you doing in China?" You looked at Sherry as the embrace slowly broke, despite both of your hands joined together in a hold, your mind flooding with question. The last place you expected her to be was to be in one of the most dangerous countries at the moment, leaving you wondering what was going on with her, and her little friend too who happened to have rather odd looking eyes.

"Well," Sherry put her gun away, looking towards her partner for a moment. "I'm sort of on protective detail. You see, we got kidnapped, we were stuck here for six months."

"Woah woah woah," her partner cut her off, gesturing his hand outwards a bit. "Are you seriously gonna tell her everything right now?"

She turned her head towards him, "Yes Jake," she nodded her head once, "I am."

He turned his head a bit, throwing his hands into the air as if falling under submission. "Suit yourself super girl."

She looked back at you, slightly rolling her eyes a bit in a way that made a small giggle escape your lips. "So, six months?"

She nodded, "Yeah, It's a long story but not really enough time to explain it. All I can say is that Jake carries something special, and we have to get him to my supervisor in Koocheng." It was your turn to nod rather slowly, not sure where this Koocheng was to begin with. Besides, you had somewhere to go as well, and couldn't waste much time than you've already have. Not that I know where that supposed market place is anyway.

"I think... I'll stick with you two for a while," you decided, slowly letting go of Sherry's hand. "I'm quite lost on where I'm going, maybe I'll find it while by your side."

At the idea alone, Sherry displayed a smile you adored, as if she had gotten a Christmas present she's wanted for ages. "I see no problem with that!" She exclaimed, turning towards her partner while displaying her smile. "We could always use the extra hands."

Jake seemed to shake his head a little, shrugging off a small smirk in the process, seeing how Sherry was way too excited to take on not only a stranger in his eyes, but a long lost almost mother like figure in her eyes. "Yeah sure, three's a crowd but I guess that'll be fine."
"Three is a crowd," you confirmed, "But trust me, I won't be with you guys long."

"Where are you going?" Sherry looked at you, "Why are you here in China?"

Her questions made you slightly wince in response. You couldn't exactly find the proper words to make this sound easy for her to understand, Hell you didn't even know how to put it to where you could understand. Thankfully, her odd eyed partner cut in, raising a hand a little as a gesture. "Look, can we talk later? More of these freaks will show up if we wait any longer."

"Right." Sherry agreed yet again, checking on her gun before setting off. As you followed the two, your eyes kept finding themselves on the back of Sherry's head, your mind recalling the memories of when you last saw her. She was so much younger, still in school and getting excellent grades. She had wished you farewell over a phone call before you left to Spain, explaining how she hadn't gotten an ounce of sleep until the early hours of the morning, making that same call before you were to head towards the airport.
Seeing her now, much older and following a path that's gotten her well trained yet thrown in the midst of danger of this particular career, it had you feeling horribly odd, yet proud of her. Deep inside, you couldn't help but feel a warmth in your chest, particularly in your heart for knowing you were a part to play in the future she had now. Once again, you had grown to the fact you'd never have children, but you had grown accustomed to feeling like a mother to Sherry, a mother that you knew was better than the one you had put a bullet in, as morbid as it had sounded. For now, your only concern was what she was thinking in that mind of hers, knowing that one of her three saviors was alive and well after so many years.

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