Chapter 24

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"(Y/N)!" Sherry ran towards you first, getting down on her knees beside you shortly after the beast had retreated. "Are you okay??" Her hands went towards your left forearm, pulling you lightly as she helped you stand.

You stumbled on your feet a bit, nodding a little in response to her question. Your ears couldn't help but feel a bit sensitive, hearing the echoes of car sirens and bell rings, making you start to get a mild headache. "I'm alright, don't worry about me," you looked at her then at the others, "We should find a way out fast, before that thing comes back to finish the job."

Sherry nodded in agreement, letting go of your arm once you appeared to be stable enough. You made your way back to the group slowly, seeing Jake was talking about the same idea of leaving the beast before he would return. "Take it from us - this guy's indestructible. Let's get the hell outta here."

"Ditto," you spoke, looking past the group to see a makeshift wall out of thin sheet metal, promising a possible exit. Leon watched as you walked past him, heading towards the shut off gate without any other word or glance in his direction. "Did you say something to upset her?" Helena couldn't help but ask in a soft tone, receiving a sideways glance from Leon himself before walking ahead, taking a pace straight behind you.

You reached your hands up towards the edge of the wall, your body jumping off the ground a bit as you pulled yourself up, bringing your leg up and over the edge without the rusted edges cutting into the material of your clothing.

"(Y/N)," you stopped for a split second, hearing Leon's footsteps come closer, along with the sounds of the others as well. It was then that you proceeded to do the most childish act you could bring yourself to do: ignore him. For now.
Shaking it off as fast as you could, you brought your other leg over, disappearing behind the gate fast.

You landed on the ground in a crouched position, slowly rising up to see that instead of a possible exit route like you were hoping, you were met with a dead end of endless cargo boxes stacked all around, high enough for a person to be quite the daredevil to climb in your own opinion. The only thing that fit the space was the abandoned, rusted and busted city bus nearby, which didn't look like it was fit to drive at all.

Maybe, you began to think, slowly approaching the cargo crates. Just maybe, I could use my gun to get up on these crates, and just.. leave. I don't have much business being here anyway.

Besides, Ada for some reason is very impatient with me already.

Your thoughts were cut off by the sounds of people climbing the sheet metal walls, having you turn around to look at them. It was Leon and Sherry, who both managed to get upright halfway already, making your escape attempt seem pitiful at this point. All heads turned when a loud roar was heard, followed by a loud burst of gunfire from a source you couldn't exactly see.

Leon acted fast, reaching out to pull Sherry into his arms, causing her to let out a panicked cry as they both fell backwards, dodging the bullet from what you suspected was the same enemy as before. Leon landed on the ground first, Sherry in his arms as his body became a shield from the impact. You couldn't help yourself as your legs moved fast, running towards their direction as they made small grunts of pain. Your hand found ahold of Sherry's, helping her up as Leon brought himself to his feet.

"What was that??" You asked, getting Leon to look up as he heard the gunfire of his and Sherry's partner, leaving him concerned. "That damn monster is back. We gotta hurry."

"I don't know if this is the right time to bring it up," Sherry spoke while she stared at the large bus, her curiosity leading her to walk inside. "But I'm getting some very interesting deja vu with the three of us here."

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