Chapter 21

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The first thing that hit you was the smell: a mixture of burning plastic or wood, sometimes both, followed by a strange yet all too familiar tinge of rot and bloody copper. It came with you wherever you went, causing a slight irritation in your nose.

Secondly, you had no idea where you were going. The city around you started going downhill super quickly, an explosion and gunfire ringing in your ears every few minutes, followed by the chopping sounds of various helicopters shooting at things in the air. Ada was right, the BSAA soldiers were the ones trying to evacuate civilians from the suspected B.O.Ws that roamed the area. And she wasn't kidding about that either.

These enemies looked just like people, mostly men, armed with advanced weaponry and a mix of either ragged street clothes, military uniforms or fancy dressed suits. It was like an odd type of virus that only affected men. What put you off the most was how they appeared physically: their skin slightly reddish with exposed blue veins, covered in angry red sores and yellow boils. Each one adorned a different type of mask, styled in some Chinese artwork that hid their faces, yet let you indentify that it was the enemy enough.

As you evaded the fight between BSAA and the enemies as best as you could, finding hiding places by the sides of buildings or ruined cars every time a BSAA soldier or J'avo, as the soldiers shouted, broke out a fight with a random civilian or BSAA soldier. You could've easily joined the fight, only you didn't want to and you didn't have the ammo for it at all.
As you continued to run and hide, the screams of civilians started to fade out, the gunfire ricocheting off of every surface as well faded into the darkness behind you. At this point, you were practically lost in an incredibly hot and humid area of a chaotic city.

"Damnit," you breathed, your pace maintaining a slow walk in a slightly claustrophobic area between various buildings, your gun in hand just in case you heard any unnatural sound. Your head turned as you looked around, seeing the abandoned overturned cars and various trash left on the ground, accompanied by the occasional fire on random bits of debris in places. The only thing that managed to make the place 'light up' and appear quite lovely to look at was the rather large street signs that hung from every building.

As you continued walking, foreign shouting with mixed gunfire broke you from your train of thought, causing you to look ahead to find at least five J'avo soldiers to be behind metal walls and barrels, each adorning a different colored painted mask and various weapons in their grimy bloody hands. You happened to have the element of surprise from your side, seeing how your current situation of evading battles couldn't be possible with this particular crowd.

Checking your gun for ammo, you slowly predicted how many bullets you would need to take down all five men. Counting the ones that had the masks on, you suspected it would take an extra shot to break through the porcelain surface. Should I just shoot them all from here? It could be easier, and I really don't have time for this.

Still, isn't arriving late just the usual at this point? Besides, why not do things in style? Nothing wrong with that is their?

Your free hand reached behind and pulled out our grapple gun secured to the back of your belt, all while looking upwards to find bamboo and metal support platforms just above the surviving crowds. You really didn't have time for this but..

You liked to fight. You trained many years for that type of experience to go to waste.

Raising your grapplegun upwards, you fired for the hook to shoot outwards, the thick steel hooks locking around a large piece of metal beam, letting you think it was secure enough. You clicked the button, feeling your feet leaving the ground as you took off into the air, spotting who these J'avo men were fighting against. The top heads of a man and woman were what you could only makeout, leaving you to suspect they were only survivors.

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