Chapter 16

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"Even if I started somewhere, I still don't know what to tell you Leon. Even I don't know what I'm doing."

Leon looked at you, seeing your head bowed with your hands folded in your lap. Your hair, which had dried on the way to the hotel, had retained a frizz and minor curling affect, shielding your eyes from his sight. He was unable to tell what you were thinking, but your lowered voice to his ears was enough to let him know you were confused enough as it is.

You shook your head a little, preparing your words after all these years. "When I was a little girl, I was.. kidnapped." Your voice continued to be a bit shaky, yet you pushed on.

"I was experimented on with all these chemicals and viruses, things that... I don't know what they did to me to be honest, and why they chose to do it on me."

Your cheeks began growing hot, knowing what you were saying to him must've sounded crazy, hell, even insane for that matter. But it was the truth.
Back when you and Leon were together, before the mission in Spain, you never spoke of your past, and he was okay with it, for he didn't speak much of his own past either. You knew he would've been confused on why you started speaking of it now, but it was the only way you could explain everything.

"Basically, the people who oversaw the tests were... As far as I knew, Oswald E. Spencer, William Birkin, and later on Albert Wesker."

"Those names," he muttered, "You were kidnapped by Umbrella?"

"Yes." You confirmed, nodding your head slowly. "Umbrella. I was supposed to be scrapped after all these drugs and.. things were put into me, but Wesker took me in as a protégé, I want to say father figure but.. not really."

"So," Leon slowly spoke out his next words. "You were a part of Umbrella?"

"Yes, although at the time I hadn't realized that it was bad to be in it. Well," You brought your head back a bit, "I did know enough to understand, but I didn't realize it until it was too late. I was a kid, I couldn't exactly do much but learn from Wesker to survive in the real world. I was isolated actually."

Silence followed your words for a good few minutes, your head frozen in place to even see what Leon's reaction was to the truth he so desperately wanted, and what you had craved for years to give him.

"That explained why you knew how to fight back in Raccoon City." His tone held a familiar chuckle at the end of it, slightly making the ends of your lips curve upwards. "And why you looked a bit clumsy too."
"Yeah," you replied with a soft tone, recalling the memories you hadn't brought yourself to look over in many years, "Also explains why I knew Ada at the time too. I know her very well actually."

"Did the Governemt know? About all of this?"

"Sadly, they did. They used it to blackmail me into becoming an agent actually. As long as I told them everything I knew about Umbrella, my record to the real world was considered clean. Thought you should know that too."

"Mm." He shook his head a little, his hand going up to rub his own forehead a bit. "What about the things they injected you with? You were their guinea pig?"

You winced a little at the term, remembering how Wesker would refer you to that as well, a literal pet name for his own term of joking.
"That's.. a deeper part of what I've wanted to tell you for a long time, much longer than the Umbrella portion."

"Tell me."

You bit your lip, slowly getting off the bed and walking towards the window. You didn't look outside though, you only stared at the faintly detailed curtains, crossing your arms a bit.

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