Chapter 30

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"This place is gigantic."

You gazed up at the roof of the gigantic dimly lit ship, wonder and amazement filling up your entire being. Based on your knowledge, this ship was similar to those you saw back at the old army bases you would visit in your earlier years, one where many soldiers would prepare tanks, jeeps, jets and helicopters with various weapon and ammunition supplies.
You had to admit, you've never seen this many rockets since after you became an agent, or a stationed tank with its doors wide open, exposing the cargo boxes filled with bullets, or possibly even more rockets for all you knew. It was all so nostalgic, being amongst the articles of weaponry that brought worry and fascination to others, yet filled you with bits of content and remorse. Remorse for the old life you had left behind. For all those in your past you had forced yourself to forget for the better.

Or worse.

With all this weaponry inside the ship, it brought new questions to rise as you followed Ada at a reasonably slow pace, allowing you the time to look around at everything. At the last minute, you spotted from the corner of your eye an awkward looking figure walking in the far distance, carrying a large assault rifle of sorts. What sent shivers through your spine was the glaring red beady eyes that came from it's awkwardly large mask, one you couldn't exactly make out from the far distance. What... is that? It doesn't look right.

From your left, you spotted another figure moving in the closer distance, catching sight of the same pair of red eyes on the masked man, holding what looked like a sniper rifle in both hands as he stood in place after finding a spot to stop. You could better make out the creepy looking head of the figure, with an upper built bulky torso and frail waist.
Another one caught your attention from up above, on another floor overlooking from the balcony, his red eyes staring down at you like stalking crows, studying you to make sure if you were prey or not while keeping a firm grip on his sniper rifle.

"Does this all belong to you?" You asked slowly, turning your attention to the back of Ada's head, "Or is this Simmons'-"

"Simmons gave this to me," She responded, turning her body to face you while stepping back slowly. "This, a submarine, and many soldiers," she raised her hand a bit towards the rockets that were displayed overhead like assorted trophies, "He saw this as payment for me being so loyal to him. Which makes me wonder," she dropped her hand, looking towards you with a small smirk, "What do you think your wedding present will be?"

You huffed, shaking your head a little. "My umbrella files would be nice. Oh, and a crossbow. Been dying for one of those recently."
It was Ada's turn to chuckle, turning around again before continuing towards a large set of stairs, leaving you of course still following in tow. While your feet carried you up the first five steps or so, your mind went back to the so called 'wedding present'. More importantly, your information. She's led me this far, and I've seen so much. Way too much.

You're too involved (Y/N), you need to go right now. Just get your information, and leave.

"Ada, Wait." You called out to her, running up the remaining stairs by the time she was up on the upper platform, heading towards the large doors possibly leading deeper into the ship.

"What is it now?" She turned again, briefcase held close to her side as she stared at you.

"I know, I know," you shook your head slightly, "I've asked way too many questions, but you need to understand something here," You stepped forward a bit, stopping at a distance of a few feet away from her, "I've waited fourteen years to figure out what the hell was wrong with my blood, and most of it was spent on the enemy's side figuring out what it is and what I am because of it."

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