Chapter 11

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You landed on your sore arm once your body came into contact with a wooden platform, leaving you writhing in pain hissing. Slowly you got onto your knees, looking over at Leon who fell right beside you, already up on his feet. "You okay?" He grabbed your unharmed hand, helping you off the ground.

"I'm fine, my arm just.. fucking hurts." Once you got to your feet, you spotted your shotgun abandoned by the edge of the wooden platform, conveniently placed as if it was supposed to be there.
"Yeah, it's not a good idea to fire with one arm." Leon hurriedly walked over to your gun, picking it off the ground for you. "Why don't I just hold onto this for now?"

Before your mouth could let out your perfectly snark reply, a heavy rumble shook your surroundings, bringing more bits of broken wood and stone cascading downwards to the ground below. "Fine keep it, but we gotta keep going now." You walked on ahead, your free arm yanking onto Leon's arm pulling him beside you while heading down the wooden platform.

As more debris fell, you managed to catch sight of not only Helena, but Ada as well, both inside what looked to be a train cart, using a lever to get it going downwards like an elevator. "Careful you two," Ada called out, keeping her eyes in your direction. "They may look old and slow, but they can still bite."
"A little help here then??" You called back on a reply, seeing how Leon was with the gun in hand, while yours was in your holster, which you couldn't exactly grab at the moment.

A smirk formed on Ada's face at your comment, leaving her shaking her head a bit. "The more things change, the more they stay the same." She aimed her gun towards the next few skeletal undead, helping in keeping your path as clear as possible.
Still tugging Leon behind you, you spotted an edge where the wooden platform stopped, revealing a small drop towards a more suitable ground below, appearing to be where the train cart stopped for Ada and Helena.

"Great, I'm so ready to get off this thing-"

"Wait!" Leon quickly yanked onto your arm, pulling you backwards into his chest with a small oomph. Before you could process what happened, another heavy rumble shook the area, causing a wooden platform far above you to shatter and collapse, it's remnants falling down in your way possibly crushing you if Leon hadn't yet again saved you.

You looked up at Leon again, seeing his eyes glued towards the area up above, checking to make sure nothing else were to fall before you continued. His other arm wrapped around you by your shoulders, a position you quickly became familiar with. I remember falling asleep once on a couch. He held me just like this too.

I wonder if he remembers.

He looked down at you, your (E/C) eyes shimmering like diamonds in the dark, like raindrops on a window that night when he held you in his arms, the perfect picture of your sleeping face embedded into his brain. The same face he wish he could've woken up to all those years ago when he was kept awake by night terrors.

"Yeah?" Was all he could bring himself to respond.

"You keep saving me." You replied, having his fingers loosen on your shoulder, his arm dropping entirely. "Yeah," he looked at the edge, his voice monotone for just a moment. Then, his lips formed into a rather awkward smirk, his humor a bit rusty from lack of using it as often as he did when he was younger. "Someone has to do it."

"Hey," A warmth flowed into your chest, fueling your quickly beating heart. A throaty chuckle came from him, his form kneeling down on the edge, checking the drop he was about to do. "I'm not that vulnerable Mister."

"Keep telling yourself that Miss," He dropped down, his knees slightly touching the splinter scattered ground. Standing upright, he turned his head towards you up above, waiting for your fall. "Want me to catch you Princess?"

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