Chapter 13

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A harsh collision into a fresh blanket of powdery snow was a lot less comfortable than he expected, the ice scratching his face like coarse sandpaper, heading up his nose and stabbing the lids of his eyes.
Although what had hurt worse was getting knocked down by cones of twisted, bulky metal, the pain throbbing harshly in his ears.
A heavy groan broke through his chapped lips, his head turning towards his abandoned comrade, sprawled out on the ground, speckles of snow clinging to her strands of hair, completely unconscious, almost dead-like but that thought didn't want to be processed in his mind.

"Come on, super girl." He rasped, slowly digging his elbows into the ground in attempts to pull himself up, slow to realize the shadow of the heavy muscular beast looming over him, bringing his boot up to press Jake downwards into the snow, the metal digging into his spine quite painfully.

A few new pairs of footsteps caught Jake's attention shortly after, stopping in front of him to allow a proper view of the attackers.
The mediator of the group, a familiar pale skinned woman with the notorious red scarf set her glare down on him as if he were as grotesque as her entourage, her boots ankle deep within the 'plush' snow.

"You know," he chuckled, struggling to sit up properly due to the beast's shoe creating angry red marks in his back. "Those shots of yours pack one hell of a punch, lady." He added a grunt at the end, the monster he guessed found it quite amusing to press down further for the enjoyment of seeing him in pain.
The lady slowly squatted down towards Jake's level, bringing a gloved hand under her chin while studying Jake's facial features.
She was looking for resemblance of the man she studied within her research, making sure that this boy by her feet was the right one.
"So," she spoke, confirming her own thoughts for now. "You're Wesker Junior."

"Wesker?" His Head tilted, having her spot the rather feigned surprise she suspected was on his face. "You lost me."

"Albert Wesker was a colossal imbecile," she continued to talk, leaving Jake to involuntarily listen, "a fool who tried to destroy the world."

Carla took to particular amusement, seeing how Jake didn't react to her words like she had expected, telling how he still held that attitude of a stubborn teen who wouldn't listen to their parents, no matter how harsh the promised punishment.

"He was also your father."

It was then that Carla saw his expression change, the teenage boy's precious item was taken away and he was grounded, replaced with just the reaction she was looking for.

"What!?" Jake's voice came out in a forced whisper, his blood running colder than the snow melting on his numb fingertips.

"Which makes you," Carla pointed at him,"Heir to a very special blood type."
She left it at that, slowly rising from off the ground keeping her eyes glued to Jake's expression, rather enjoying the stone cold mortified shock. She looked up towards the beast, bringing her fingers up to a small wave, allowing the beast to knock Jake out before being taken to their permanent destination.

Jake was not Carla's first subject to spend time and search for.

Your name came up along abandoned files many years ago, ones that were believed to be destroyed at least 18 years ago.
It was just enough for Carla to confirm that you were not an ordinary woman by all means nessesary, you were a blessing and a curse at the same time. Your blood would've created a magnificent vaccine for perhaps any virus Umbrella manufactured in the early years, or in this case, enhanced the C-Virus to more dangerously potent levels, perfecting it more than she already could.

All hopes for coming into any form of contact with you disappeared when you went off the radar many years ago, setting all thoughts aside when Jake came into Carla's picture, providing yet another perfect canidate for her tests.

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