Chapter 4

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Leon's arms wrapped around your torso, throwing you completely off guard as the two of you went towards the ground.
The crossbow fired, sending a flaming arrow towards your chest if you hadn't moved a second longer. Your hands found themselves firmly planted on the cold ground as you heard a faint clink! hit the ground, the arrow snapping into two.

The statue began to make strange gear clicking sounds followed by scrapes of stone as it moved clockwise, the arm aiming downwards as the red laser landed on Leon's face, quickly becoming the next target. Moving quickly, you grabbed ahold of Leon's shoulders, using your body to turn the both of you around, rolling around on the ground to avoid the next arrow shot.

The two of you ended up in a rather awkward position, with Leon laying on his back and you on his chest. You opened your eyes and looked over, seeing the arrow hitting a particular spot on the ground, once again the arrow breaking and splitting.
"You okay?" You heard Leon ask from under you, having you slowly move you head to look down at him, realizing the current position the two of you were entangled in.
You felt his hands planted on your sides again, unsure wher else he could've put them within the dramatic heat of the moment. "Yeah," you nodded, letting out a breath you didn't know you held in. "You?"

"Yeah, Fine."

"Leon!" Helena's voice echoed in the next cell, striking both of your's attentions as you looked over towards the bars, seeing the woman's back facing you two, a hand firmly planted on top of a strikingly similar statue. "They have buttons!"

"Buttons??" He questioned, turning his head to stare back up at the statue, eyes quickly wide once he realized the statue was getting a lock onto the two of you. "Oh shit!!" Leon's arms went towards your shoulders, quickly pushing you off of him as he rolled away, luckily dodging the third possible life ending blow. Leon quickly got onto his feet, running towards the statue as the laser beam locked onto him, quickly reaching over and slamming his hand down on the large stone button by the statue's feet.

You sat up slowly, slightly dazed from the sudden shove that sent you rolling and stopping awkwardly on your left shoulder. You looked up, seeing Leon stepping away from the statue as it began to slide backwards, slipping into its special secret glove compartment before the door slid closed. Another door opened, revealing the next room to the puzzle, which Helena walked through without another word.

"Sorry," Leon approached you, kneeling down to help you off the ground. "Didn't want those arrows to hit you."
You gave him a small smile, taking his hand while getting off the ground. "It's alright, let's go. Your partner is waiting."
You walked past him, entering the surprisingly bigger room that looked the same as the first: Dark and gothic with blue flames on metal torches. A large row of doors looking similar to the first one, meaning this was about to get more difficult.
The room was still separated, Helena being on the right side while you and Leon were stuck in the left, meaning she'd have to face those certain statues on her own.

"This is gonna get a little bit dicey," Leon commented, walking towards the next lever while looking towards Helena, waiting until she grabbed ahold of the one on her side. With a quick pull, the door behind you closed, signaling it was about to begin.

The door closest to your left opened first, revealing an exact replica of the statue from before. Being quick, you sprinted towards the red stone button by its feet, pressing down hard on it making the crossbow armed statue retract into its place, the door closing. "This is gonna be fun isn't it?"

"I'll say. Guess we can watch out for eachother while we can." Leon responded, seeing the next door close on his right open right after the first door closed.

It only took about a moment or so, maybe shorter, but it felt incredibly uncomfortable as more than one statue began to appear, giving you and Leon a fast chance to run towards the stone buttons. While you were pressing hard on the button to what felt like your fifth statue, you looked over at Leon as he stood on the other side of the room, watching a door open to reveal a statue armed and ready.

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