Chapter 8

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The wooden platform path continued down a large spiral, the old wood creaking under your weight from each step, making you worry if one plank were to break, than this whole area could possibly come crashing down.

Every short once in a while, something would shake overhead, causing a thin layer of pebbles and dust to float down on your head, making you even more nervous if the man carved walls would come crashing down on you at any moment. It was really risky walking down these steps, there seemed to be no sliver in your safety.

"Deborah, can you hear me?" Helena began talking in a soft tone, acknowledging her sister who still appeared rather dazed on her back. "I'm gonna get you home."

You couldn't help but look at Leon as he had his head slightly turned, hearing the words being shared amongst the two. Possibly he was wondering the same thing you were: How did Deborah even get down here?

You quickly came across a big bridge that allowed passage to more sturdy looking stone ground. The problem was, the Bridge was wide and looked the opposite of sturdy, slightly swinging side to sight by the single occupant who stood dead center in your path. In the dark, you could easily make out a dark silhouette of a person, who's head was leaned backwards with mouth open, signaling the person was well beyond dead.

"Careful," Leon kept his gun in hand, slowly stepping on the bridge first. "(Y/N), help Helena."

"Ditto," you turned around, seeing Helena eyeing the bridge with bits of worry and suspicion. "N-no it's alright, I think I can cross this just fine." She began to insist, receiving a firm shake of the head from you. "Don't be ridiculous, it's no trouble." You went behind Helena, allowing her to step onto the bridge while you followed behind her, taking slow steps while keeping an eye out for Deborah in case Helena's hands slipped.

Leon stopped once he noticed the zombie's head turn his direction, quickly aiming up towards his head and firing two bullets, watching the body fall. These zombies looked more old and skeletal, looking as if they crawled out of their own graves to investigate.
The noise of gunfire began to alert other undead in the area, giving you the heads up to grab your gun and defend the two women unable to defend themselves. You chose to stick with your beretta instead of your shotgun, thinking that the force used to fire in an area like this would resolve you flying off the edge to a cruel death if you weren't careful.

You aimed at the closest zombie who was approaching the bridge, quickly firing at its shoulder to stun and catch it off guard while Leon took the headshots. The four of you managed to get off the bridge unscathed, but you felt like it wasn't the worst of it yet.

You traveled onwards down a stone hallway, coming across more undead roaming the narrow hallways, making the area feel crowded to go through.

A pair of arms quickly exposed themselves from a large opening in the wall close to Helena, making her let out a cry while quickly step back in the process to protect her sister. Thin, bony fingers were a few inches away from hooking onto Helena's shirt when a blade quickly came down, slicing through the knuckles and thin skin, causing the flanges to fall to the floor. Pulling your knife aside, you aimed your gun quickly into the hole, firing off three bullets before you saw the fingerless hands drop limp, signaling it was dead for real this time.

"You okay?" You looked at her, seeing her nod as a response. "Thank you."

You nodded back and leaned down a little, placing your knife back into its sheath. Leon stared back at the two of you, seeing how your reflexes seemed more sharper than ever, slightly wondering what had happened to you when you 'died.'

The walls began to shake when you came across another bridge to cross, quickly seeing fragments of wood fall from the corner of your eye, followed by large fragments of stone. "The roof is caving in!" Leon spoke out, already making his way to the center of the bridge as it shook from the rumbles of the walls, his hands onto the ropes in attempts to keep it steady for Helena to cross.

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