Chapter 19

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As Simmons had promised, you were brought a ride driven by a man and women in black suits, noting you by name before taking you towards the airport.
From there, they drove you to the airport and led you inside a small white jet, taking off into the air by the same man and woman, who you quickly assumed were to protect your travel under Simmons' orders.

While you were looking out the window as the plane took off, feeling slightly comfortable in a tan colored leather chair, the woman in the black suit approached you, presenting you with a tablet.
"Thank you," you took the tablet in both hands, watching as she nodded once before returning to the cockpit, dimming the cabin lights before leaving you alone in the main cabin completely.
Looking down at the tablet again, you clicked the button to turn it on, greeted with Simmons' face once you unlocked the screen, showing him sitting in a dark room you couldn't exactly make out very well, but due to the oval window in the corner of his screen, he still must've been on his own jet.

"(Y/N) my dear, I assume the flight so far is going smoothly?"

"It is, I just took off actually." you nodded, leaning your elbows on the cool wooden counter as you balanced the tablet upright, holding the corners with your fingertips. "I have to say, I've never been on a private jet before."

"Well, their is a first time for everything my dear. Which brings me to why I've chosen to speak with you at this very moment."

"You must enjoy talking with me that much?" You shrugged, attempting to shed a bit of light on your end to shake off the growing suspicions about Simmons, although he had responded with a slight smirk, nodding his head a little. "Yes, well.. I have a proposal I would like to share with you."

"Okay," you hesitated a little, wondering if this was that 'price' he hadn't brought up just yet, leaving you dreading the anticipation. You just wanted to get it over with, yet you didn't know if you could pay back what he was about to request.

"As you may have guessed," Simmons continued to speak, causing a swarm of bees to jab at your stomach due to the nervousness. "I've grown.. quite fond of you these past few months. So fond in fact, I'm proposing.. a marriage proposal."

Your insides churned, your blood running cold.


"Excuse me?" You asked, slightly stuttering the letters of your first spoken word.

"Let me clear the air a bit more. This world has.. gone down a dark path. The people within have turned against their own kind for their own selfish reasons and has led towards self destructions, which has caused millions of innocent lives lost. I would not like for you to be one of them, in fact I want to save you from it all. Think of this as an invitation into the Family."

You stared at Simmons the entire time he explained his reasons, your deadpanned face blank of any emotion, your insides however were screaming in all raging thoughts, thinking this was to be the most insane man you've ever met in your life.

"And not only that!" His exclamation broke you from your train of thought. "With you by my side in the Family, future generations will contain incredible immunitiy from perhaps the most deadliest of viruses known to manskind, manmade or not. Our children will become powerful and unstoppable my dear, providing the world with potential leaders to stop the bioterrorism that's reigned down on us since Raccoon City."

Basically saying, you want to marry me for my blood? And children that I can't give? Your mouth did not process these words, even though how much you desperately wanted to. He's asking in the nicest way possible to use you, and for some odd reason that part didn't alarm you. The marriage however, did. A lot.

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