Chapter 39

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The sounds of thick glass cracking hard as your back made contact with it filled your ears, immediatly being muffled out by an intense ring as the back of your head hit the glass, flooding your vision in a painful white flash.

The ringing settled after a few seconds, your body limp as the pain continued to rush through your body. As the ringing began to settle, you began to hear your own erratic heartbeat again, refusing to settle down due to the adrenaline rush you felt from what it had took you to get where you were now. You opened your eyes slowly, your blurry vision immediatly able to makeout the damaged helicopter that loomed overhead in a dangerous fashion, appearing to look like it could fall at any moment.

For a moment, you could've gladly layed there in silence if it wasn't for the helicopter that you literally just fell out of moments ago.

Despite your painful state, jelly limbs trembling and lungs struggling for air, you forced yourself to turn onto your stomach, struggling to get onto your feet as you awkwardly crawled as fast as you could, hearing the loud creaks of the helicopter immediatly falling forward, crashing into the thick glass that you were laying on just moments before.

You found yourself rolling to a stop, the floor underneath you ceasing to shake after a few moments longer. You heard the others stand straight up, making you wonder just how they weren't as badly in shape as you were from literally falling out of a helicopter moments ago.

"You alright?" Leon immediatly went towards you, his arms gently yet firmly grabbing ahold of your arms, helping you somehow get to your feet without you falling over. Standing up was even worse than falling to the glass, your body responded by making your limbs feel like jelly, sharp vibrating pains coursing through your spine all the way down towards the tips of your fingers.

"It's... not the worst thing I've experienced," you replied slowly, your hands gripping ahold of Leon's forearm, attempting to stand upright while your knees felt like they'd give away at any moment, "I'll be okay."

You looked at your surroundings, attempting to calm yourself still while the back of your neck throbbed, almost feeling like it's on fire. Your grip on Leon released as you proceeded to limp over towards some clean stainless steel railings, right next towards two steel double doors shrouded by a warm orange light, glowing bright in the darkness of the room you crashed into.

"Where do we go from here?" Helena broke the silence, which you seemed to ignore as you gripped the rails, leaning over a bit with your head bowed, eyes closed.

Why am I still feeling like this?

Your body, which you had assumed had finished giving you a hard time, had proceeded to create a pulsing ripples of pain, erupting deep in your chest and at the bottom of your stomach, rolling like waves that traveled towards the rest of your body, even as far as aching the tips of your fingers. This feeling was unfortunately familiar to you, making your grip tighten at the fear of another onset 'panic' attack, while your body attempted to fight off whatever was still infecting you.

"We keep going," You heard Leon respond, sounding almost like an echo while you were lost in thought, "I don't think we're too far. Let's keep going-"

"Wait." You finally called out, opening your eyes and turning towards the two, seeing them stare back at you with concerned expressions.

"What's wrong?" Leon approached you, seeing you lean back against the rails a bit, the cool metal in your palms seeming slightly comforting.

"Nothing, I-" You shook your head slightly, letting out a breath you didn't know you held in, "I just need a moment. I think I fell wrong or.. something. Look," You brought your arms to your chest, crossing them loosely, "You two can go on ahead. I'll catch up with you."

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