Chapter 7

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While you hesitantly followed the others towards your unknown destination, you couldn't help but recall that tape in your mind over and over again. It was Ada, there seemed to be almost no doubt about it, but something wasn't right.

C-Virus. A new virus who's name you never heard of before. If you were to think back on your history with these types of viruses when you worked with Excella and Wesker, their was a pretty decent chance that this virus was causing the undead to be created. Somehow that didn't explain the strange human shaped husks you saw back in those tanks. Best chance is that they were failed experiments, which brings you back to Ada.

When she emerged in that tape, she seemed to be more her modern age now, rather than a much younger looking woman. That thought alone sent you wondering if it was a clone, or if Ada was unwillingly involved in some strange experiments against her will.

The three of you found yourselves entering into a large cavern of mine's through a waste duct. When you landed onto the rough stone ground rather uneasily like the others, you found your arms gently being grabbed by Leon as he helped you up, receiving a small smile of thanks from you.
You looked around, noticing the enclosed space from the odd looking mining area. A single light hung on a thin cord over your head, lighting up the area just enough to see the scattered equipment long abandoned. Whatever was being mined down here was left forgotten, at least that's what you expected.

Helena took the lead ahead, leaving you and Leon following with armed hands. The narrow hallway with wooden beams overhead grew dark in some areas, lightbulb overhead lining scarcely for those who worked down here. The air felt more humid and musty to your lungs, yet it was cold and chilling in different ways, keeping you on high alert.

"Why can't you fill me in yet?" Leon asked, staring at the back of Helena's head as she continued to walk without a single misstep. "Because you probably wouldn't believe me. That's why I want to show you." She looked over her shoulder a bit, stopping in her step while looking at Leon. "And when I do... you'll have all the answers and proof you'll need." She looked at you for a second before turning her attention back forward, resuming her walk.

Proof? You almost said outloud, seeing as Leon took a moment to himself before continuing to walk, catching up to her fast with his brisk pace, leaving you slightly falling behind. You still had no choice but to follow them, keeping quiet as best as you could for now.
The hallway opened up to a body of water that managed to collect down here, filled with green little aquatic plants that managed to survive the damp conditions. The water managed up to your brown boots, making your steps feel rather awkward as the water and plants swished around your feet.

At first, it seemed to have been going on forever, until a surface in the wall was exposed, showing a large room with walls and flooring made entirely of stone, dull and chipped due to age. "I wonder what was actually down here," you commented, your wet boots stepping down onto purely solid ground.

"Seems kinda sketchy to bring us down here," Leon spoke to Helena, who still seemed silent about this whole situation, that was until she spoke, "I hope she's not that far from here."

You looked around while the walk continued on, your gaze fixated on every stone there was. It looked like a recent excavation was going on around here, right under the Cathedral. It was still terribly strange no doubt, leaving your mind begging for curious answers.
I'm gonna miss my meeting with Simmons, but this feels sort of worth it.

The area you reached began to get dark, the lights in the area appearing dim and dull, giving the area a thin shadow. You were surprised you hadn't come across many zombies in this particular area, slowly expecting to find some after the whole chaos up above. You slowly approached down another end of a hallway as you saw dark looking bars up ahead, followed by the sounds of rushing water.

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