Chapter 3

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"I don't understand." His tone sounded struggled, his words slightly shaking at the end, yet he managed to speak, his fingers clutching tightly into fists.

"Look." You placed your shotgun on the ground, quickly running your palms against your pants before looking back up, staring at Leon's astonished face. "I know what you're thinking, at least I think I do."
Your heart began to pick up once you noticed his legs beginning to move, making you slowly step back, slightly holding out your hands towards him. "Wait Leon," you attempted to stop him without getting close, only to realize he was getting closer to you. "Leon please stop, let me explain."

His footsteps didn't falter, he didn't slow his pace towards you. Due to your hasty steps, you found your foot slightly slipping on the small set of steps close to the altar, causing you to let out a gasp while your body went backwards, your hands flailing at your sides.
A pair of hands found themselves firmly planted on your sides, holding onto you while your hands found themselves on a pair of leather clad shoulders, gripping on tightly while you settled your footing. For a moment you froze, looking over to the side on the small steps where you almost would've fallen... if Leon hadn't catched you.
Slowly, you turned your head towards him, looking straight into his eyes. He was staring down at you, his eyes remaining locked onto yours the entire time, reminiscing in your (E/C) eyes. Being this close to Leon brought millions of memories back to your mind, some you wished you had never forgotten. Your eyes caught sight of a pale thin line on his right cheek bone; the old scar from Spain all those years ago.

It's been so long.

"You're alive," he began, his fingers slightly shaking against your skin over your shirt, the warm touches sending a familiar flame burning in your cheeks, making you shiver even more. "How...?" He tilted his head slightly, his mind forcing him to ask more questions, but that one word was all he could speak of first. "You died."

You let out a shaking sigh, forcing yourself to shake your head slowly back and forth. "No, I didn't. I-.. I survived." His face held no reaction to your comment, yet on the inside his thoughts were a mix of astonishment, and anger.

Slowly, he propped you up onto your two feet, making sure you were properly supported before letting you go, his fingers wishing he could hold you a little while longer. You felt his touch missing, making your body tingle with a slight wanting for more. You mentally slapped yourself for thinking those thoughts, tucking them away under the rest of your mixed emotions.

"How?" He asked again, making you slowly turn your head towards the ground. Your eyes locked onto your abandoned shotgun on the ground, giving you something to look at. "Long story, incredibly long story. But listen," you looked up, holding your hands out slowly as a simple gesture. "When we get out of here, and once we make it out alive, I'll explain everything."

He thought of your words for a moment, looking straight at you as his look became stern, blue grey eyes glaring. "Every damn thing?"

You nodded firmly. "The total truth."

He stared at you for a moment longer before slowly nodding his head, his look becoming soft again. "Alright."

A pair of footsteps approached the two of you, the same woman you saw earlier kept a gun at her side, staring at you with a strange glare. "Leon, who's this?"
Leon looked at Helena then back at you, realizing the strange scene he must've put on between you and probably every curious eye inside the church. "Helena, this is (Y/N). (Y/N), this is Helena, my partner."

You looked towards the woman, still eyeing you with a strange glare.
"(Y/N)? That name sounds familiar..."

You opened your mouth to answer, but closed it for just a second. What am I gonna tell her? That I was a Government agent that died for practically 8 years?

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