Chapter 42

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Leon heard the slightly muted explosions, the thick glass of the elevator providing a perfect view of the massive bursts of flames that occurred in the building across from him. Even though the glass was thick, and the view was quite exciting, that didn't stop the smell of fire and death to be present, although he knew it was coming from himself.
He couldn't tear his eyes away from the sight, his mind clouded with various thoughts, each one seeming heavier than the other. Simmons was one of them, the gigantic amount of civilians lost to bio-terrorism, how he and Helena were going to prove their innocence when this was over, if this was even going to end, and then, you. He wondered if you were okay, if wherever Ada took you was safe enough. As soon as he had left you alone for that moment to yourself like you had wanted, he had been kicking himself ever since.

But then their was the mention from Simmons, the mention of him calling you his bride. The thought alone was enough to make his skin tingle and his heart to burn in rage. There was no possible way you would be engaged to Simmons, he knew you wouldn't go that far to settle with the enemy. He recalled you telling him that you would do whatever it takes to get what you want from someone, but to go on and get engaged with a mass bio-terrorist? He could never see you doing such a thing, unless their was a hell of a good reason to do it. He knew you wouldn't, that wasn't your style, but he couldn't help but feel the threat of doubt attempting to settle in his mind since it has been an incredibly long time he's ever held you in his arms for longer than just one night. But then again, that was the doubt talking, and it was eating him up.

He continued to look downwards, even when he noticed Helena's moving reflection out of the corner of his eye, followed by the sounds of her footsteps getting closer to him.

"You really care for her, don't you?" Her voice caused all his heavy thoughts to shatter like cinderblocks, his head turning slightly towards her direction. Leon's gaze met Helena's, seeing her assertive glare towards him, immediatly realizing who she was talking about.

"Look, I won't ask what happened between you two," Helena proceeded slowly, keeping cautious in her own words in case she were to say anything wrong, "But if she chooses to run again, go after her. Do whatever it takes if you need to."

Those words alone set Leon thinking on you once again, taking his partner's words into consideration. Helena was right, Leon had let you go too many times, having you for one moment only for you to be gone the next. It was like you practically adopted Ada's famous runaway at every chance you get behavior, and he couldn't exactly handle one woman driving him crazy in such a manner, let alone two.

Leon has to have you this time. By the end of all of this, he hopes that he can convince you to stop running, or if you still chose to run, he would at least follow you. He never wanted to lose you again, as long as his heart was still beating in his body.

Ada witnessed the elevator exploding out of the corner of her eyes, turning her head to its direction just in time to witness the whole contraption burst outwards, holding on by a few thick metal wires, reminding her of the movement of wind chimes. The wires snapped the further the elevator distanced itself from the building, but all concerns escaped Ada's mind as soon as she saw two figures launch themselves out of the elevator, both landing on a stable surface.

"Leon," She huffed a bit, followed by the slight shake of her head as she immediatly recognized the navy blue shirt and familiar haircut, it was practically impossible to see anyone else other than him. "Ever the survivor."


Simmons' voice, with the ever familiar undertone of Oh, I'm a crazed bio-terrorist infected with my own concoction raspiness alerted you from where you stood, your fingers locked on your trigger button as you stared at the man himself, standing ontop of a long bridge-like platform, still looking as grotesque as ever like you had seen him prior.
You stood on a random building floor with fire on both ends that developed shortly after you arrived. Your only way of escaping the building was to jump through the broken glass windows, which led you to stare down as you proceeded to witness Simmons begin to transform in the most horrid way possible. He went from becoming a simple man, the term simple was used incredibly lightly, and then turned into a massive four legged beast, with a large protruding thing coming out from its back. You wondered how a small man like that would create something with so much muscle and bone to spare, but you knew better than to ask such questions.

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