Chapter 6

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The room you entered in through the double doors brought you into an entirely different area than you first expected.
Catacombs, you believed, were supposed to be under a Cathedral or a church. Instead, you ended up walking into what looked like the closest you could get to a psychiatric ward.

It was dark, lit up by cherry red emergency lights. Various metal doors were lined up along the brick walls in a uniform fashion, containing signs over each door signaling various numbers. The floors were completely trashed by dirtied papers and scraps of cloth, making you wonder what went on down here.

"Wish I believed God were looking out for us right now," Leon's voice echoed behind you, yet you didn't turn your head to acknowledge him. "But I think we're on our own."
You walked up to a small platform slightly raised off the ground, discovering a control panel with three blank white sections appearing similar to the ones hanging over the doors.

"This looks like some asylum," you commented, grabbing Leon's attention as Helena was rather occupied, peeking inside each door through the small crevices that allowed you to look inside.  He approached your left, staring down at the small keyboard full of numbers, looking up and ahead to find a gated door that they needed to go through. "I think we type in the numbers to the rooms."

You looked towards the signs on the walls by each door, noticing the reason those panels were there for. "Huh," you looked down, typing in the three numbers for the gated door to open, the red light overhead turning a bright green. "Not a very good way for security to handle their patients." You walked off the platform, seeing Helena quickly leave the room first, her hurried pace making you a little more suspicious.

You walked through, only to discover it was another area with closed doors, a similar looking platform and control panel waiting for you. "How many of these do we have to go through?" You walked towards the panel again, staring down at the choice of numbers. "Leon, what's the number for this door?"

"Uh.. their isn't any."

"What??" You looked up, seeing Leon standing in front of the gated door, looking up at the white panels to discover the numbers were missing, either scratched out or covered in filth. "Well," you looked down at the panel again, letting out a sigh. "Guess we gotta figure this out."

"I think just try typing in random numbers." Leon walked over towards the platform, taking a stand beside you as you leaned against the metal panel, fingers hovering over the three number buttons. "There's only three to type in."

"Just try random hundreds."

"Random hundreds?"

"Type in anything."

"For God's sake, we don't have time for this!" Helena cut the two of you off, quickly approaching the platform, shoving you aside to take your place. "Hey!" You called out, watching her face lower towards the numbers, typing in what you first expected to be a random code, only for the light to turn green and the gate open. "It's open. Let's go."

You and Leon were in total silence, eyes frozen on Helena as she walked away from the control panel, heading down the small steps to leave the room. How did she know that...?

"Leon," you slowly turned your head to look at him. "How long have you known her?"

"Since about a few hours ago," he replied, looking back at you with a rather blank expression. "Back at the University."

"What are you two doing at a University?" You asked, watching as Leon's eyes quickly grew rather dark and glassy, changing his blank expression to a rather shadowed glare. "I'll tell you later." He turned away, following Helena out the door, leaving you in deep question before taking off after him down the rusty looking hallway. The air felt stale and humid, making you feel rather uneasy in a place like this. You felt the need to stand in front of an A/C unit, feeling ice cold air blow into your face.

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