Chapter 25

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You opened the rusted red doors, wincing a little at the loud screech it made. You proceeded to walk towards the asphalt road, spotting somewhat familiar looking abandoned market stands, either holding makeshift signs signaling what they were selling, or bright neon built light signs showing the more popular products.

The ground underneath you was slightly wet and covered in trash, the people who were once here showed that they had left in quite a hurry.

Not only were some stands toppled over, various produce and even abandoned carcasses of meat were scattered along the ground, explaining the faint blood splatters you would step on. Pots filled with boiling liquids were still on their hot plates, random chickens were seen roaming around, and baskets of still fresh produce were left out in the open.
The only thing that slightly comforted you was the smell, believe it or not. Instead of smelling burning tires and constant flames, the outdoor market smelled like roasting meat and spices, leaving you feel slightly hungry in the process of your casual pace.
Kind of always wanted to try a roasted pork belly, you couldn't help but giggle a bit at your own thoughts, shaking off the idea of the tempting food. Not now, but definitely later.

Your thoughts were cut off by yet again, your phone. Stopping in place, your hand reached towards your pocket while eyeing the area in front of you, seeing no one who looked like they could interrupt your call this time. "Do you have to keep calling me every five minutes?" You looked at the screen a little, seeing your hand being casted under the faint blue glow.

"I wouldn't have to if you weren't taking so long."

You let out a small groan, crossing your arm a bit while keeping your gun pressed to your rib cage, finger off the trigger. "I'm in the marketplace, hopefully I'm not far now."

"Good. Meet me outside of it, and do actually try to hurry this time."

"I will, just stop calling me." You hung up first, putting the phone away while rolling your eyes a little. "Don't remember you being this bitchy about waiting."

Two pairs of faint footsteps alerted you, having your heart pick up at a fast pace. You started running, unsure where you were going at this point. You knew who was behind you, and you still didn't want him near you, to intercept what you've came so far and long for.

The footsteps came closer, sounding familiar enough to confirm it was in fact him and his partner. You only continued to run, passing by the slightly wrecked stalls due to the people evactuating in such a hurry.

You turned the corner, seeing double doors right up ahead. You couldn't read the bright words of the sign, but from the look of butchered animal parts laying in a pile outside the door, you suspected a butcher shop. You stopped running once you got close enough, spotting the doors containing barred locks, making you mentally curse your own luck.

"(Y/N)," Leon stopped, looking towards Helena quickly to motion her to lower her gun, slipping his slowly away in his own holster. "Don't run anymore. We need to talk."
You stood there, staring down at the locks in silence, your mind racing at your own thoughts. Your fingers began to twitch, your mind getting rather uneasy at the thought of talking with him. You didn't hate him, you loved him with all your heart. But you couldn't stop now.

I can't stop now. Please Leon, just understand.

You turned around quickly, bringing your gun up towards him fast. Both Leon and Helena's faces changed, shocked expressions filling their eyes while you stared back at them with a heavy mixture of stern coldness, and pain. "Their is nothing to talk about." Your voice slightly shook on the first word, but you highly intended it to be a warning for them both.

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