Chapter 27

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"Huh, someone's hacking into the system." Ada commented, her fingers halting their work on the keyboard. You slowly tore your gaze away from the windows, finding her staring with slight amusement at the screen, seeing how a little bug was attempting to bypass the security locks.

"Wonderful." She pressed a few more buttons, stepping away from her screen once it began to flash red, alerting her that the system was being compromised.

"Security breach detected in room zero." The loud alarms echoed the entire area, letting you know she wasn't kidding.

"Come on (Y/N), we're done here." She turned to you, pulling out her grapple gun in hand as she walked past you, heading towards the doorway. "Stay close to me, and try to keep up this time."

You watched her walk off towards thin looking beams, her arms slightly lifting up as she dropped down below out of your sight, your ears detecting her heels coming into contact with an unknown platform down below.

Your own gun in hand, you proceeded to step through the doorway like Ada did, hearing the echoed gunfire and explosions happening behind you in the two rooms. A security breach, does that mean Hunnigan's hacking the system? Or someone else?

"Security breach detected in room one."

You stopped in your step, turning your head once again to stare at the windows, knowing very well how crazy it was in each room, wondering if both men and their partners would be alright.

Maybe I can open the doors? They'll die in there, won't they? It's not like Ada will notice.
Keep going (Y/N), you can't stop now.

"Disengaging locks in room one."

You broke out of your trance, watching large metal doors slam down on the glass windows, alerting you for your time to go. Looking down fast, you jumped off the platform, hearing one of the metal doors slide open.
You knew Chris was in that room, making you worried that he'd fire at you again for no plain reason. Up ahead, You found Ada walking at a brisk pace a few feet away from you, having you slightly break a sprint to catch up to her. Before you were at least one foot away from her, you heard different pairs of footsteps coming close behind you, sounding combat and heavy in their fast pace, causing your adrenaline to spike and your body to tingle in the close coming danger.

Ada heard this too, and in response, broke out into a more faster run, leaving you running with her a few inches ahead to stick close.

"Give it up, Ada! It's over!" You heard Chris's angry voice bark from far behind, making the hairs on your skin raise.

"Oh, is the big bad soldier going to shoot me?" Ada replied with a teasing tone, leaving you wondering even more in the back of your mind what had happened between the two. More likely, knowing Ada, what had she done to him?

"Watch your step." Ada called out, her hands seen quickly fiddling with something in front of her. She dropped a small key which landed with a faint clink!, before dropping a small bulky looking object right under her. You didn't see what it was, but you were able to hear the loud explosion come a few seconds after, sounding like a muffled helium balloon pop.
The coughs quickly following from the two men gave you a quick idea on what it was right away.

You weren't sure where it started, but a few seconds after the bomb went off you began to hear more footsteps, but not from behind you. They were overhead on the upper platform, making you quickly realize who those footsteps belonged to.

"Ada stop!" Leon's voice echoed out for all to hear. "We have to talk!"

"Sorry!" Ada called out again, her hand pulling out another smoke bomb. "Not in a talking mood!" She stopped at a certain area, where a spot was absent of any rails. She turned towards you, giving you a smirk once you stopped in front of her, her fingers tracing circles along the loop of the pin.

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