Chapter 10

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  Your free hand found the most stable edge of a surface available, despite it feeling splintered and rotted, practically crumbling within your fingertips.
  Bringing your other elbow onto the surface, you proceeded to hoist yourself up onto the wooden platform, feeling a small wave of security overcoming your body, now knowing you were on a somewhat stable surface.

Once your legs got onto the platform, you got to your feet with a faint sigh of relief, now prepared to give a quick study of your surroundings, not being able to see the others from your point of view.
You looked down, seeing the far drop down below to a much more stable ground. The floorboards creaked as you shifted your weight from one leg to the other, giving you confirmation that you could not stay in this location.

"Okay," you whispered to yourself, looking up and around for any stable board or rock to use for your current plan in mind. I've seen Ada do this a few times, question is if I can do it too.

Grapple gun in hand, you aimed at the most stable wooden beam you could find, despite the floor splintering off within each step on the wooden floor beneath your feet. You pressed the trigger once, watching the thick sharp hooks dig straight through the wood like talon claws capturing its prey, keeping secure as it appeared to be.

Feeling confident, you slowly walked towards the edge, your eyes locked onto the ground below. With one step towards the empty space in front of you, you allowed your body to drop down, the strong metal rope sliding out of the gun effortlessly as a reverse grappling technique, keeping your quick trip downwards smooth and steady towards the stone ground.

You clicked the trigger once again to release the hook, the metal rope followed by the hook swinging wildly like a whip swirled back into the gun, hooking properly in place. The ground your feet touched appeared identical to the stones you first fell through.
The remnants of splintered wood and cracked stone littered the ground from the chaos overhead, giving you a proper idea of what would've become of you if the bridges never existed. 

It's gone awfully quiet.

As you happened to look up, you witnessed a silhouette of a body plummeting to the ground a few feet away from you, the person landing on their side with a heavy grunt in a cloud of dust. The brown leather jacket gave you a quick idea who it was, forcing your feet to jolt off in his direction.
"Leon!" You got to your knees by his side, your hands automatically planting themselves on his back when he slowly rolled himself to his front.
"Are you okay?" Your voice dripped with worry, making Leon's pain filled expression meet your gaze only to be frozen staring into your (E/C) eyes.

Those eyes, I can never get used to them.

The single thought alone crossed his mind, making him all the more angrier, yet relieved deep inside that you weren't a ghost in his dream, a figure of his imagination, one where he was afraid to wake up to an empty bed. Again.

"Yeah," Quickly breaking from his own thoughts, he pushed himself onto his knees, spotting his gun laying a few inches away from your leg. "You?"

"Fine," you responded, watching his rather stuff figure grab ahold of his weapon, your eyes locked onto his shoulders. "How'd you fall down here?"

A shrill giggle send a cold shock down your spine, giving you the proper answer without Leon saying any words. He looked up somewhere behind you, His hand quickly grabbed ahold of your arm, pulling you to your feet alongside him while you turned your head upwards, spotting the greyish woman staring at both of you from a high perch, like a hawk prepared to pounce and attack on the wounded prey.

Shortly after her laugh, Ada managed to join you and Leon on the ground, landing in a position much more graceful than Leon or your own, the hook of her gun swirling back into place. Helena followed shortly after with a much more graceful landing than Leon's, gazing up at her mutated sister with tear-filled eyes, fingers shaking as she remained hesitant on her trigger.

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