Chapter 40

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Your hand immediatly grabbed ahold of the handle of the blade, pushing hard against the Crow's pressure to bury the blade into your neck. Surprisingly, she was much stronger, pressing harder against your grip, the cold sharpness of the knife beginning to slice the skin on your neck.

In a quick act of panic, you found yourself bringing your other hand to grab ahold of the blade in attempts to push it away. The sharp, serrated edges of the blade began to slice through your skin, your fingers trembling as blood began to trickle down your fingers and into your sweaty palm.

"Their's no use in fighting yourself you idiot." The Crow removed the knife, slicing it away from your grip, causing the cuts in your fingers to get deeper, dangerously close to the bone. You retreated your hands, feeling your fingers tremble from the immense amounts of pain from the sliced flesh and damaged veins.
"Just give in, what's the harm in it?" The Crow once again tilted her head, lowering her hand that held the blade, stained in your precious blood. "I know you, because I am you. I know what you've thought, and what you've dreamed of. It's not hard."

"I'm not gonna give in," you glared at her, your left hand reaching towards your assault rifle on your back that held onto the strap, "I'm not gonna become the very thing I grew to hate."

The Crow then proceeded to laugh, and it was unlike any laugh you had ever heard yourself do. Her laugh was mean, sinister sounding, and very loud. It echoed throughout the area in an uncomfortable manner, it unsettled you to the very bone.

"You just admitted that you liked it at some point. You know what? Deny it all you want." the Crow chuckled, raising her arm up to the side, allowing you to watch as she dropped the knife on the ground, hearing the clink! of the blade come in contact with the ground.

You failed to realize your fingers ignoring your assault rifle all together, your unwounded fingers grabbing ahold of the handle of the pistol instead. Before you managed to even aim it towards her, the Crow's dirty white gloved hand grabbed ahold of your wrist, twisting it hard in a way that caused you to scream, dropping the gun immediatly. You failed to even see her get so close to you, her reflexes happening as fast as you could even blink.

With her grip on your wrist, she yanked you by your arm, tugging you close to her body while twisting your arm behind your back. Her arm went around your neck, pressing up behind you as she squeezed hard, causing pressure against your neck. This action alone caused you to close your eyes, feeling your throat muscles beginning to tense up in attempts to breathe, the pressure of her arm only continuing to push more against your neck. Not only did your neck begin to sting from the pressure, your lungs immediatly began to burn from the lack of air, igniting the irritating fire that occurred in your chest, spreading throughout your entire body as the Crow's hold tightened.

Your wounded fingers attempted to slip through the hard grip of her arm, the blood making it slightly easier for your fingers to slip past the smooth white leather, yet the throbbing and burning of your wounds making it impossible to apply anymore pressure against the Crow's increasingly tighter hold.

Bracing yourself as best as you could, you held whatever breath you had into your system before forcing your head back against the Crow's, hearing an immediate ring in your ears accompanied by the slight cracking sound of glass. With the split second of time you had before the Crow realized she had loosened her grip due to the impact, you grabbed ahold of her arm and leaned yourself forward, throwing her body over yours as hard as you could.

The loud slap sound of the Crow's body echoed throughout the area followed by the sounds of your gasps for breathe. The struggle for air caused your legs to go weak, forcing you to fall on the ground with failed attempts to catch yourself. Your cheek came in contact with the cold floor, your body almost immobile for a few moments as you caught your breath.

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