Cardiac Arrest Chapter 34

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The shock was gone, and the pain was full force in my body as I lay on the stretcher, in the Ambulance. I could barely hear Em telling me, "Hang in there Selah, please don't leave us, especially Louis. He loves you so much it will kill him too." She was crying hysterically but I couldn't respond, it's weird how you can be unable to speak, move or open your eyes, but your mind can still be going. I could feel myself leaving this world. I felt like I was dying. This hurt almost as bad as the pain in my body, because I wouldn't be able to see Louis, my family, our friends or anyone else again.

All of a sudden I feel my heart start to flutter then slow down. I know this is it I am going to die. Just as it feels I can't breathe anymore and my heart feels like it stopped, everything goes black again. Then I feel tremendous pressure on my chest, it feels like all the bones are going to break. Then I feel a lot of shocks going through my chest to my heart. I realize I can hear the beeping on the machine that shows the rhythm of the heart. I am in excruciating pain again, but then I feel the pain ease up, they must have put some pain meds in my IV. I can barely hear Em talking with the workers. She is trying to be calm, but I can hear her voice trembling with fear.

I hear the worker telling Em, "Just hold her hand and try to stay calm for her, she will probably be going into a really deep sleep soon from the meds we gave her. She is in critical condition. She will go straight to surgery when we get to the hospital." As I start getting more sleepy, I hear Em praying for me, and a great peace settles over me as I go out into a deep sea of blackness.

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