Web Of Deep Love Part Two Chapter 83

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Louis' POV

I wasn't sure if Selah would be at Liam's or not, but I thought I would drive there first. I feel really bad for hurting her like that. Eleanor felt really bad too. As soon as Selah stomped out the door and slammed it, I knew it was over between her and I. I felt a little crushed but it was my fault. I should have told her that I was not in love with her but that I have always been in love with Eleanor. I am not sure when I realized it though. I don't know how I could be such a dick. I arrive at Liam's house. I sit in the car for a bit and stare straight ahead. I finally get out of the car and as I am walking up the sidewalk to Liam's house, I see Selah sitting on the swing looking down at the floor. My heart breaks for the pain I have caused her. I reach the steps and she looks up at me. Her face is really red and you can tell she has cried long and hard.

Selah's POV

I heard Louis get out of his car and shut the door. I could tell when he noticed me on the swing, he gasped really loud without thinking. He reached the steps and stopped, staring at me. I knew he felt bad. I looked up at him. He looked at me and I could see tears forming in his eyes. He walks over and sits on the other side of the swing. With neither of us saying anything, the silence becomes awkward. I keep staring at the floor. I try and think of how to start the conversation. Finally, I feel such a boldness in me. "Louis, please tell me the truth? How long have you two been sneaking around, and why didn't you just break it off with me in the beginning? Yes, it would have hurt in the beginning but not as bad as it hurts now." I sit and wait for him to respond.

Louis' POV

Wow she's being really bold. I clear my throat and start from the beginning, "Well, first off Selah, I never ever in my life wanted to hurt you. It breaks my heart in two knowing that I've broken your heart. The truth is, the day before we went to Starbucks, Eleanor kissed me and I could feel that I wanted to be with her for the rest of my life. I realized that day, that I have always been in love with her and didn't give myself time to figure it out after she broke up with me. I will tell you this, we have done nothing other than kiss and hold hands. We would meet at certain places dressed in a disguise. I wanted to tell you so many times, but I knew it would hurt you. I hated myself for not telling you and I hate myself now knowing I am the cause of your broken heart." I had been looking at her while I explained everything, then I turned my head to look at the floor of the porch.

Selah's POV

"Louis, please stop hating yourself. Yes it does hurt, but I have to be honest with you. The reason it hurt was because of you rejecting me. I have been insecure my whole life, not getting too close to anyone. Don't get me wrong, I will always cherish what we had. I know it's over." As I say this I take my ring off and try to hand it to Louis. He pushes my hand away and shakes his head no. I am confused. I look at him and I can tell he is deep in thought. I look away waiting for him to respond in some way. He finally turns to me.

Louis' POV

"Selah, this might sound crazy, but I want you to keep wearing the ring. Eleanor and I aren't ready to tell Simon or the others. I know Liam must know already, cause you came here to talk to him about what happened. I will have to talk to him and tell him not to tell anyone until Eleanor and I are ready to. Where is Liam, by the way? You did talk to him right, or did you come and just sit in his swing until he wakes up?" I sit there and wait for Selah to answer me.

Selah's POV

"Yes, Liam knows. I tried to call Olivia and Katelynne as I walked away from our house, I mean your house, but they were still sleeping. I kept walking not watching where I was headed. After a bit I realized I was in front of Liam's house. I tried to keep walking, cause I had been crying so much, I didn't want to see anyone. Before I could keep walking he yelled my name, I just stared at the ground, I didn't realize he was walking to where I was until he touched my arm and walked me up here to his porch and sat me on the swing. He comforted me just like I comforted him both times he and Danielle broke up. I will be honest with you, he and I both felt something today. Hold on, Liam wanted to talk to you." Louis gave me a strange look as I got up and rung the doorbell. I sat back down on the swing. I could tell Louis was speechless.

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