Love Hurts Part Two Chapter 67

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Niall's POV

"So, Danielle, do you want to ride with us to the hospital? Emily got burned pretty bad, and we all need checked for any injuries from running for our lives. You can ride with Katelynne and me." I look at Danielle and see the turmoil on her face. I know Liam just met Stefanie and it looks like they may be into each other, but maybe it isn't serious and once he sees Danielle, well he may realize he still has feelings for her. "So what do you say, Dani?" I can hear Paul yelling for us to hurry and get in the van. We all turn and realize the van is pulling up near us. The door opens, and Liam is sitting near the window staring into space. I motion for Danielle to get in, she hesitates but then she gets in and sits in the same seat as Liam leaving a huge space between them.

Katelynne and I get in and sit in the back,  She is kind of glaring at me, "What is it?'" I ask knowing full well what she is thinking. With me knowing how Liam is feeling at this moment and then to spring on him such a surprise of Danielle. I know Liam will be upset with me, but I always feel like you have to do what you feel to do in your heart at the moment. There is complete silence in the van. I notice Paul looking at Danielle quizzically, then looks at Liam then at me with a questioning look. I just smile and shrug. I notice we are pulling up to the hospital. Well this is where it is all going to blow up, I realize and I cringe at the thought. We park and I wait for Liam to notice Danielle, but he just opens the door on his side, gets out and heads into the hospital with one of the security.

Danielle's POV

I watch with disbelief as Liam doesn't even notice me and walks right into the hospital without looking back to see who else was in the van. I realize Katelynne is getting out so I follow. I watch her glare at Niall as he gets out of the van. I begin to think she is upset that I am here. She touches me on the arm, "Danielle, it's nothing against you. I am just worried what will happen to you, Liam and Stefanie. I am afraid all three of you will be hurt." I hug Katelynne as tears come to my eyes. "Katelynne, I thank you for being so kind and caring, but Niall is right. We need to see what happens. If I don't I will regret not knowing for the rest of my life." I pull out of the hug and smile at her. She smiles in return and we all walk into the hospital with a very concerned Paul.

Liam's POV

I hurry into the hospital hoping to be able to see Stefanie. I can't believe Paul wouldn't let me go with her. As I walk into the waiting area I see Selah standing with Louis, and the others. I hurry over to Selah, she looks up with worry in her eyes, which makes my heart fall. "Is Stefanie alright, when can I see her. Did she have to have stitches. What's going on?" I ask one question after another so fast, but I am really worried. I see everyone looking at me with weariness. They all lean in and give me a hug, at this point I'm getting annoyed, thinking something terrible has happened to her. They let go and Selah says, "Liam, the doctors say Stefanie has a little bit of internal bleeding in her brain, she's in surgery. We'll know more when the doctor comes out, I'm sorry."

She stops talking, staring passed me with shock on her face. I turn and can't believe my eyes. I see Niall and Katelynne walk in with Danielle. I think, What's she doing here! I look at Niall and see he's guilty. I guess I'll have to have a rough talk with him later. I sigh loudly and walk straight to the restroom. I stand in front of the mirror looking, thinking what should I do. So many feelings are running through me. A part of me dislikes that Danielle is here, but part of me is happy, but what about Stefanie. I shake my head to clear it and hear someone come in. I know right away that it's Niall. I turn to yell at him but tears start streaming down my face. He walks over and hugs me while I cry. "What do I do Niall, should I talk to Danielle, and what about Stefanie? She may die?"

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