Love & Surprises Part Four Chapter 87

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Selah's POV

I heard two male voices and realized I must have fallen asleep. The voices spoke again, It was Louis and Liam. I started to speak and heard Liam tell Louis something that shocked me to the core. What! I screamed in my mind. These babies might be Liam's, apparently when we were drunk we must have had a one night stand. My heart fell to the floor. I heard my blood pressure monitor going off. I looked and sure enough, my blood pressure had risen even more. I bout had a heart attack when I heard Louis' words. He was telling Liam that he was getting a DNA test done to see who the babies belong to.

I racked my brain trying to think of when and how Liam may have become the father. Then it hit me, the night Louis was delayed and couldn't make it to the party. He had called and said he'd be home the next day. Oh no! I remember now, Liam and I got really drunk, and I believe we may have let things get out of hand. I was thinking he was Louis, and he was thinking I was Danielle. I heard Louis clear his throat, he must have realized I was awake. I looked at both of them. I felt my face go red. They both jumped up and came over to me. I could tell Louis had something on his mind. "Louis, are you alright? I know something has happened, I overheard the end of your conversation." I felt so ashamed and turned my head to look away. I felt a hand gently touch my cheek and turn my face toward them.

I expected it to be Louis' hand, but it was Liam's. I looked at him and he had tears in his eyes. Seeing his tears, I knew right away that he felt guilty. I patted the hand that was on my cheek. "Liam, you don't have to feel guilty. We both made a mistake maybe, but I am sure we can make this work." He leaned down and kissed my cheek. It made me feel warm all over and I felt a peace I hadn't felt in awhile. Liam pulled his chair close to the side of my bed, and held my hand. I looked at Louis, he was pacing back and forth. "Louis, would you please sit down. No need to worry, just let things fall into place. Louis glanced at me and smiled then as he sat down, the doctor came through the door.

Louis' POV

As I sat down, in walked the doctor. I stood up and shook his hand. I wanted to get the paternity test started right away. He started walking toward Selah, but I stopped him. "Sir I have an important question." He nodded for me to continue. "The three of us have realized that we need to find out if Liam or I am the father, so tell me how soon can we do the test and when should we get the results?" The doctor let me know as soon as we done the test we should receive the results in five days. "Five days! That's a relief." I said more to myself than anyone. The doctor then said he'd be back with the tests.

Selah's POV

I sighed, thinking how things have really changed since that first day I met them all at the airport. It is really hard to take in right now. I let out a loud sigh when it dawned on me what all of our families will think. They will tell us we have all lost our minds. Especially my family. I went into deep thought, worrying over everything. All at once I felt like my body couldn't take anymore. The monitor started going off letting me know my blood pressure was rising. I felt myself drift in and out of consciousness until everything went black.

Liam's POV

Louis and I both jumped when we heard the monitor start going off. I looked at Selah and noticed that her face was ashen. I jumped up first and ran to her, followed by Louis. We both started yelling her name, but she lost consciousness. I hit the nurses button and ran out the door to get the doctor. I got just outside the door when the doctor ran into me. I hurried and moved letting him pass through the door. Louis and I watched him and the nurses that had come in behind him, check Selah out. They started an I.V. and began pumping meds into her veins. By this time I felt tears start streaming down my face and noticed Louis was crying too. Finally the monitor stopped going off and the doctor turned to us.

Doctor's POV

"I can see that you two must really care for this young lady. We have come to realize that her body is under deep stress and so is her emotions. I am going to admit her into the Critical Care Unit. This stress could cause her to lose the babies. May I ask you both some questions?" I looked from one young man to the other, wondering what in the world was going on here. How could these two responsible young men not know who the father is. How could they not realize that this young lady was under such deep stress that you could tell she had been dealing with it for awhile. They both said "Yes Sir, ask away," at the same time.

"Please start from the beginning and explain to me why she is so stressed and why neither of you know who the father is. They explained everything to me while the nurses took the young lady upstairs. We followed behind while I listened to a love story that had turned sour. Louis and Selah were engaged to be married, but sometime during the past few months they both had fallen out of love with each other and had fallen in love with someone else. One night ten weeks ago Selah and Liam had a one night stand whilst being drunk. Louis and Selah hadn't had intercourse in ten weeks. "Well I believe we know who the father most likely is." I said chuckling, trying to make sense of this whole situation. "But I will still give you both the test, in fact, I will go get them now and I will see you upstairs." I walked toward the lab shaking my head.

Louis' POV

"What a relief to get that out of the way, but I am still worried about Selah. I do not want her to lose the babies. It's all my fault, Liam. Now that she is in the hospital, we have to tell everyone. They will all be wondering what is going on." I looked at Liam and I could tell that he was scared that he was going to lose Selah and the babies. We had gotten to Selah's room and were standing outside the door, waiting for the nurses to let us know when we could come in. I reached over and gave Liam a hug telling him we had all been through so much and made it through. I have no doubt we would get through this. As the nurses came out and told us we could go in, the doctor walked up to us with the test kits. He told us to get them to him as soon as possible. Liam and I headed into the room, read the directions then swabbed our mouths and put the swabs in the baggies.

The doctor happened to walk in at that time. We gave him the baggies. He told us that when Selah was strong enough, which would be in 24 hours, he would do the test on the babies. They normally don't do them this early because of risk of a miscarriage but the doctor needed to know who the father was for the sake of the babies. We will know who the father is in six days. Liam seemed to be calming down, as was I. We both walked over to Selah. Her skin coloring had turned back to normal. Her vitals were all fine, and she seemed to be resting well. I went and sat down as Liam pulled a chair to the side of her bed. I could tell by the way he was looking at her that he loved her deeply. I knew in my heart already that Liam was definitely the father. I felt peace about it and was happy for them. I am sure everyone else will be happy for them too.

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