Love Hurts Chapter 58

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Selah's POV

It had been a week since Liam had called Niall. We hadn't heard anything else and we were all starting to get concerned. The girls and I had put off planning the weddings until we knew what was going on with Liam and Dani. I was home alone, cause Uncle Simon had come to take my Aunt Rosa out for the day. The boys had decided to go play some football, while the girls went to do some shopping. I didn't feel up to going, because my leg was bothering me too much to really walk around. I was about to doze off on the sofa when I heard the door bell go off. I wondered who it could be so I hurried to the door, I could see Liam standing on the bottom step through the window.

I rushed to open the door and when I saw his face, I knew it wasn't good. Before I knew what was happening he ran up the steps and into the house right into my arms. I held him while he cried. I gave him all the time he needed. A while later he pulled away, "I am sorry Selah, I couldn't find the boys and you were the first person I saw. I needed to be comforted. Thank you for holding me while I cried." Liam said in-between sobs. I hugged him again, "Liam it's okay, I am here for you. Are you going to be alright? Tell me what happened, that might help."

He looked at me with such sad eyes, I thought to myself, I am not going to be able to handle this. He took a deep breath, "Well Dani and I are no longer together. We are away from each other too much with me on tour, so we decided it would be best if we just go our separate ways. It's just so hard because we have been together for over two years. Can you believe it? Two years, that is a long time and now they are just a memory." He looked away as the tears streamed down his face. It hurt me to see him like this so I pulled him into my arms again hugging him until he couldn't cry any more tears.

He pulled away finally able to compose himself. I asked, "Would you like something to eat or drink, maybe some tea and scones? Come sit down and rest. Try not to think of what has happened. Think about your fans, they make you happy, I know that for a fact." I give him a warm smile and head to the kitchen to get the refreshments. I put everything on a platter and go back to the living room. As I set the platter on the table, I notice Liam staring off into the distance. He realizes I have come back into the room. He looks up at me giving me a half smile, "Selah, I am so glad you were here. You have a sense about you that was able to calm me down. Where does it come from?" He asked me with a look of confusion.

"It comes from the peace I get from God. It is really weird, when I turned 18 I didn't want anything to do with God, but after everything we all have been through since the day at the airport, I feel closer to Him than I ever have. I am not where I need to be but, I still thank him everyday for saving all our lives. I know that you will be okay too. Soon you will feel peace and will not be so sad anymore." I give him a big smile, he brightens and smiles back chuckling. I am glad that he is already starting to feel a little better. I know he is not completely over the break up, but he will be in time. I start telling him all the funny things that have happened while he was away and before we know it he is back to his old self.

We hear the door open and everyone starts arriving at the same time. The boys run in and give Liam a group hug while he tells them the news. The girls come over hugging him too. Louis pulls me into his arms and holds me for awhile. Before letting go he gives me a short sweet kiss. Telling me how much he loves me. I kiss him back. I thank him for loving me and for still being with me even after everything I have put him through.

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