Held Captive Part Two Chapter 51

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Liam's POV

I was trying to get everyone to calm down. Louis' family was upset because Louis had went after Selah. I was upset at first too, but then I looked over at Dani and realized I would have done the same thing if it had been her. I looked around at everyone. The Security, police and agents were already on their way into the forest. I just hope they make it there before it's too late, I say to myself. I hear someone calling my name, I look up and realize it's Simon. I hurry over to him. I notice Simon's concern.

Simon clears his throat, "You remember the man with the gun from the airport?" I nod my head yes. "Well that is who was in the Range Rover that hit Selah, he wants Louis to marry his daughter Annabelle." Simon goes on to explain everything to him. "I hope they catch him before the worst happens. Oh yeah I forgot to tell you his name. It is George Simpson, he has the daughter Annabelle that belongs to him, and a stepdaughter named Olivia Brooks. From what we gather, he is a mean stepfather to Olivia and treats Annabelle like a queen. We are dealing with a psychopath."

I realize what may happen. I start getting worried so I go over to Dani. She sees tears in my eyes and immediately holds me. When I gain my composure, I explain everything to her. By this time, Eleanor, Matty, Chris, Zayn, Niall, Katelynne, Harry and Emily have walked over to us to see what was going on. I explain everything to them. They all start crying, especially Matty and Chris. I grab Dani's hand and we all do a group hug.

Matty looks at me, "We need to tell my parents, they are already praying, but they need to know what they should be praying for."

We all go over to Mr. and Mrs. Smith. I tell them what is going on, as I am telling them, Mrs. Smith starts screaming. This brings everyone in the room over to them. Aunt Rosa calms Mrs. Smith down, then they all begin to pray that Louis and Selah will come home safe.

Simon is standing with Aunt Rosa and the Smiths. I notice that Niall is calming Katelynne. Harry has Emily to keep each other calm. Eleanor and Matty are trying to calm Chris. I don't see Zayn, so I look around the room. Still not finding him, I grab Dani's hand and we go looking for him. We finally find him in the corridor. He is sitting in a chair with his head in his hands crying. We hug him and try to calm him down.

Zayn tries to talk thru his crying, "It's all my fault, it's all my fault, it's all my fault!" He keeps saying this over and over. Dani looks at me, I shrug.

I ask, "What do you mean it's all your fault, how can it be your fault?" I pat Zayn's shoulder.

"You don't know what happened, only Louis, Selah, Niall and I know what happened last night. It should have never happened, but it did. That is why Selah ran away." Zayn's voice is shaky.

I look at Zayn confused, "What happened that's bad enough to make Selah run away, Zayn?" I wait for Zayn to catch his breath.

Zayn looks from Dani to me, "I am not supposed to tell anyone, but I need to tell you guys. Last night I was thirsty, and Selah was hungry. I came out of my room and she was trying to walk down the stairs. So I carried her down the stairs to the kitchen. I sat her in a chair. I made us some Ham sandwiches, and I found the liquor cabinet. I got the rum out to mix with my Coke. I mixed some for Selah to help with the pain in her leg. Before we knew it, we were both drunk. Selah got to laughing hard and bout fell out of the chair. I caught her just in time, and while she was in my arms I kissed her. Before we could pull away, Louis walked in, yelled at us and ran back upstairs. I apologized to Selah, and she understood. I guess we must have woke Niall up too. He managed to get to the corridor before Louis. Louis was faster than him and came in the kitchen first. Niall saw everything and told Selah and me that it was just an innocent mistake, with us both being drunk and me being lonely after my girlfriend broke up with me. Selah blames herself for hurting Louis, and that is why she ran away. If I hadn't kissed her, she would be here safe and so would Louis. I am so sorry for what I did!"

Dani looks at me surprised at first. Then after Zayn explained everything, we understood. "Zayn, you can't blame yourself and neither should Selah. Like Niall said, it was an innocent mistake. Just calm down, everything will be alright. Security and everyone are out there searching for them. They will be safe soon. If Louis, Selah and Niall forgave you, you need not dwell on it. Let it go." Dani tried to calm him down.

Zayn got up and walked over to the big windows where everyone else was. You could see the forest from there. Dani and I came and stood by him. I said, "All we can do is pray and wait."

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